[mpiwg-sessions] Topics for Sessions WG meeting 27th January 2025

Dominik Huber domi.huber at tum.de
Fri Jan 24 03:47:44 CST 2025

Hi Ralph,

in this context, we are discussing a dynamic process approach based on PSets and PSet operations (see Additional PSET query/manipulation functions).

The output of a PSet operation would be a list of PSet IDs that might refer to new processes and can be used to create new MPI groups/communicators.



Von: mpiwg-sessions <mpiwg-sessions-bounces at lists.mpi-forum.org> im Auftrag von Ralph Castain via mpiwg-sessions <mpiwg-sessions at lists.mpi-forum.org>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2025 19:03:06
An: Ralph Castain via mpiwg-sessions
Cc: Ralph Castain
Betreff: Re: [mpiwg-sessions] Topics for Sessions WG meeting 27th January 2025

Just curious - if you get rid of MPI_Comm_spawn, then how does one generate new processes? I assume some other API must replace it, so mostly wondering what that API is. FWIW: generating new processes without automatically connecting them to
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Just curious - if you get rid of MPI_Comm_spawn, then how does one generate new processes? I assume some other API must replace it, so mostly wondering what that API is.

FWIW: generating new processes without automatically connecting them to the parent seems like a reasonable thing to do, so long as you provide back some info (e.g., a group ID or namespace) that allows you to do it later if you so choose.


On Jan 23, 2025, at 8:09 AM, Pritchard Jr., Howard via mpiwg-sessions <mpiwg-sessions at lists.mpi-forum.org> wrote:

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Hello Folks,

Let me know if you have topics to discuss at our next Sessions WG meeting on Monday 1/27/25.

I’ve attached some slides with ideas for discussion by the WG this calendar year.  We can discuss these at the meeting.





Howard Pritchard
Research Scientist

Los Alamos National Laboratory
howardp at lanl.gov<mailto:howardp at lanl.gov>


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