[mpiwg-sessions] note from off-cadence WG meeting to discuss issue 435, etc.

Pritchard Jr., Howard howardp at lanl.gov
Wed Feb 24 15:07:33 CST 2021

HI All,

Dan and I met after the forum today.  Sorry about the webex issues others had, not sure what was wrong.
Anyway here’s what we discussed/did.

We agreed to not change any of the text that would currently be added by


but would add an item in the normative text linking back to examples in section 6.14 and the dangers of having arbitrary association of communicators with sessions handles across MPI processes in a MPI job.

I added Rolf’s example case but haven’t been able to push up to github owing to the github issue with private repos that’s happening today.  Hopefully it will clear up by tomorrow.  Dan and I agreed that the “rank” usage in the example would be sure to cause issues, so replaced ranks with X, Y, Z.

We also discussed issue 424 - https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-issues/issues/424.  It’s been added to the project board.  I will also go thru the associated PR if we have time tomorrow.

We also briefly discussed the Dynamic Process Model/Sessions and decided to defer further discussion of that topic till after the meeting tomorrow.



Howard Pritchard
Los Alamos National Laboratory

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