[mpiwg-sessions] had to drop out for rest of MPI-forum for today (EOM)

Martin Schulz schulzm at in.tum.de
Tue Feb 23 12:21:03 CST 2021

Do you still want to meet after the forum? Or should we push this to tomorrow?





Prof. Dr. Martin Schulz, Chair of Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems
Department of Informatics, TU-Munich, Boltzmannstraße 3, D-85748 Garching
Member of the Board of Directors at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)
Email: schulzm at in.tum.de




From: mpiwg-sessions <mpiwg-sessions-bounces at lists.mpi-forum.org> on behalf of "Pritchard Jr., Howard via mpiwg-sessions" <mpiwg-sessions at lists.mpi-forum.org>
Reply-To: MPI Sessions working group <mpiwg-sessions at lists.mpi-forum.org>
Date: Tuesday, 23. February 2021 at 19:20
To: MPI Sessions working group <mpiwg-sessions at lists.mpi-forum.org>
Cc: "Pritchard Jr., Howard" <howardp at lanl.gov>
Subject: [mpiwg-sessions] had to drop out for rest of MPI-forum for today (EOM)






Howard Pritchard


Los Alamos National Laboratory


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