[mpiwg-rma] Meeting Oct 10: Notified communication discussion

Holmes, Daniel John daniel.john.holmes at intel.com
Thu Oct 10 11:35:28 CDT 2024

Hi all,

My notes from the meeting today (more detail and/or explanation available on request, or watch the recording):

Notified-RMA feedback 2024_10_10

Jeff: notification for fetch_and_op and compare_and_op?
Overlapping windows.
Fine-grained completion of fetch-and-op without requirement to progress other things
Target or origin side? Origin s/be request-based?

Joseph: is the extra flexibility of changing the number of notifications valuable enough?
Does it compromise the performance of the implementation?
Add MPI_Win_allocate_with_notifications initially; add others later, if needed and proven to work?
Dmitry - allocation and window creation might be in different levels of the application; needs separate APIs

Jeff: MPI_Win_allocate_shared should only be allowed for getting shared memory, not for RMA operations!
This API exists as a wrapper over POSIX shmem; app should do language atomics, not RMA

Dmitry: making the user implement notifications in shared memory is a bad idea
Efficiency is secondary to portability, correctness, etc.

Jeff: Fortran has no memory model, MPI can help by defining notification memory semantics
Personal feeling - Forum will demand all four for orthogonality
Maybe an advice - one of these is better than the others

Joseph: implement "during constructor" and see if it is faster, then decide
Burden of proof - need to prove a negative; hmm

Jeff: no law preventing pre-allocation of N counters during constructor
If user asks for less, great! Otherwise, allocate more.

Alexander: INFO key for constructor to specify expected max number of counters
Also, window memory on device and notifications on host

Joseph: agree that notifications should be at message boundaries
Maybe we can have both kinds [ED: yes, that's orthogonal]

Jeff: can you use IB "send immediate" for put-notify?
Needs recent implementor experience -- maybe there's a size limit?
Ken - size is not consistent across providers, also not exposed in some low-level APIs
Jeff - if network is in-order then two writes is ordered for free
Ken - if out-of-order network, we'll look at it

Jeff: add request-based notified-RMA, restrict from device-initiated when that happens
Alexander - we proposed what we implemented, other things are possible
Jeff - implementation of request-based not necessary for evaluation of this proposal

Best wishes,

From: mpiwg-rma <mpiwg-rma-bounces at lists.mpi-forum.org> On Behalf Of Joseph Schuchart via mpiwg-rma
Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2024 9:34 PM
To: mpiwg-rma <mpiwg-rma at lists.mpi-forum.org>
Cc: Joseph Schuchart <schuchart at icl.utk.edu>
Subject: [mpiwg-rma] Meeting Oct 10: Notified communication discussion

Dear all, The RMA WG will meet again this Thursday (October 10) at 10am US Central / 11am US Eastern / 5pm Central European time to discuss the notified communication proposal put forward by Intel [1]. Dan will lead the discussion. The connection
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Dear all,

The RMA WG will meet again this Thursday (October 10) at 10am US Central

/ 11am US Eastern / 5pm Central European time to discuss the notified

communication proposal put forward by Intel [1]. Dan will lead the


The connection information can be found at

https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://github.com/mpiwg-rma/mpi-standard/wiki__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fViEO5aL-_8ZRp44IBYKrhwZ9k3R4PeNVKx-N249TvuDUkTTP_EECU_oTellYSddl0cpOx-Otmmw0RkV6SeEgcV2GShjxfqK$<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/github.com/mpiwg-rma/mpi-standard/wiki__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fViEO5aL-_8ZRp44IBYKrhwZ9k3R4PeNVKx-N249TvuDUkTTP_EECU_oTellYSddl0cpOx-Otmmw0RkV6SeEgcV2GShjxfqK$>. We started using a new

zoom room last time so please make sure you use the link on the github wiki.



[1] https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://github.com/mpiwg-rma/mpi-standard/pull/11__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fViEO5aL-_8ZRp44IBYKrhwZ9k3R4PeNVKx-N249TvuDUkTTP_EECU_oTellYSddl0cpOx-Otmmw0RkV6SeEgcV2GbG3jyzA$<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/github.com/mpiwg-rma/mpi-standard/pull/11__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fViEO5aL-_8ZRp44IBYKrhwZ9k3R4PeNVKx-N249TvuDUkTTP_EECU_oTellYSddl0cpOx-Otmmw0RkV6SeEgcV2GbG3jyzA$>
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