[mpiwg-rma] MPI RMA WG call

Min Si minsi.atwork at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 11:13:02 CDT 2021

Hi Bill,

9-11 CDT works for me too. My Argonne email address is temporarily 
invalid. That was why you see delayed response from me.

I am CCing Yanfei at Argonne within this thread so he is aware of it.

Best regards,

On 6/15/21 5:10 PM, William Gropp via mpiwg-rma wrote:
>/Hi everyone, />//>/It's been a long time since we’ve had an RMA call, and there are many />/open topics that we need to discuss.  Specifically, Min Si has raised />/the issue of generalized RMA atomics, in this ticket and PR: />//>/Ticket: https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-issues/issues/114 
<https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-issues/issues/114> />/<https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-issues/issues/114 
<https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-issues/issues/114>> />/PR: https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-standard/pull/93 
<https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-standard/pull/93> />/<https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-standard/pull/93 
<https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-standard/pull/93>> />//>/I’d like to schedule at least one RMA call, and allow for a regular set />/of calls until we’ve handled the open RMA issues. So my first questions />/are (a) are you interested in participating and if so (b) would sometime />/mid-morning US (9-11 CDT) work? If so, the next step will be a doodle />/poll to find a specific regular time.  Please let my assistant, Stacy />/Walker cc’ed above, know if you want to participate. />//>/Bill />//>/William Gropp />/Director, NCSA />/Thomas M. Siebel Chair in Computer Science />/University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign />/IEEE-CS President-Elect />//

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