[mpiwg-rma] MPI Forum Web/Mailing List Migration Update
Bland, Wesley
wesley.bland at intel.com
Tue Sep 6 20:43:15 CDT 2016
TL;DR - The DNS records for the MPI Forum will be moving from Illinois to Google tonight<http://airmail.calendar/2016-09-06%2019:00:00%20CDT>. This should have user impact, but it’s possible that there will be a short outage depending on your local DNS caches. Other services will be migrating soon.
More Details - As part of the overall migration process that I referenced in an email about a month ago, we’re moving the DNS records out of the University of Illinois and up to the cloud (in this case, Google Domains). This should have no impact on your ability to view websites or send emails to these mailing lists, but it’s possible that as the new DNS information propagates to all of the caches around the world, there will be some brief outages. For now, nothing should change.
If everything goes well tonight<http://airmail.calendar/2016-09-06%2019:00:00%20CDT>, I hope to start migrating services next week (with the intention of having everything migrated before the 14th<http://airmail.calendar/2016-09-06%2012:00:00%20CDT> so we can make sure everything is stable for EuroMPI and the September MPI Forum meeting.
Here is the rough timeline:
Sometime this week - Move DNS records from UIUC to Google (hard to predict exactly when this happens)
This week - Prepare mailing lists (moving from Indiana to Argonne) and website (website preview available at https://mpi-forum.github.io/) for move.
Early next week - Move mailing lists and website to their new hosts
September 14th<http://airmail.calendar/2016-09-14%2012:00:00%20CDT> - Migration complete (anything not migrated will be postponed until after the EuroMPI/MPI Forum meeting)
If you have questions/concerns about the migration, new website, mailing lists, etc., please let me know.
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