[mpiwg-rma] ordering text

Jim Dinan james.dinan at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 10:03:14 CDT 2015

IIRC, per-window ordering was the intent of the working group and it also
seems like the only sensible reading of the chapter, given that we allow
each window to provide a different value for the ordering info key.  This
might just be an erratum, but it would be helpful to create a ticket for it.

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 10:04 AM, Jeff Hammond <jeff.science at gmail.com>

> "11.7.2 Ordering" says:
> "MPI specifies ordering between accumulate operations from one process to
> the same (or overlapping) memory locations at another process on a
> per-datatype granularity."
> This seems to say that ordering is required between overlapping windows,
> which is a horrible semantic.  We need to add a "per-window" caveat here.
> Later, we talk about overlapping memory regions, rather than locations,
> which is confusing:
> "MPI does not provide any guarantees for accesses or updates from
> different origin processes to overlapping target memory regions."
> What is a memory region anyways?  Is it a window?  Is it a set of memory
> locations?
> And to be clear, I think I know what we mean in the RMA chapter, but
> others may not.
> Jeff
> --
> Jeff Hammond
> jeff.science at gmail.com
> http://jeffhammond.github.io/
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