[mpiwg-rma] same_op_no_op

Dave Goodell (dgoodell) dgoodell at cisco.com
Thu Mar 13 13:17:07 CDT 2014

On Mar 13, 2014, at 1:07 PM, Jeff Hammond <jeff.science at gmail.com>

> Indeed Xin is capturing things well. 
> My point is that the user promised nothing when not setting this info key and thus it cannot be erroneous to not abide by it. 
> I've posted my question about whether or not info text is normative on the forum list...

The user implicitly promised "same_op_no_op", which is why the "default" text is present.  If you want different behavior in your app, just set "accumulate_ops" to "" or "ignoreme".  What's your objection to that simple step?

The intent of the standard (and the WG) seems pretty clear here.  You can argue about whether things are truly normative or not, but that's just likely to result in strengthened text in 4.0 that conveys the same intent...


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