[mpiwg-rma] same_op_no_op and SHMEM
Underwood, Keith D
keith.d.underwood at intel.com
Thu Oct 24 12:33:46 CDT 2013
It is also possible that one person thought "NO_OP and REPLACE are really the same thing" and the other person didn't, but you are talking about conversations that have now been migrated off to tape ;-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mpiwg-rma [mailto:mpiwg-rma-bounces at lists.mpi-forum.org] On
> Behalf Of Jeff Hammond
> Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 1:24 PM
> To: MPI Forum
> Subject: [mpiwg-rma] same_op_no_op and SHMEM
> I recall that Brian and/or Keith wanted same_op_no_op because of SHMEM.
> However, SHMEM requires the use of MPI_NO_OP (for atomic Get via
> Get_accumulate), MPI_REPLACE (for atomic Put via Accumulate) and
> MPI_SUM (for add, fadd, inc and finc). So what is the benefit of
> same_op_no_op to SHMEM? Perhaps I remember completely wrong and
> the motivation was something that does not use the latter atomics. Or
> perhaps it is common for SHMEM codes to not use these and thus the
> assumption is MPI_SUM can be ignored.
> Jeff
> --
> Jeff Hammond
> jeff.science at gmail.com
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