[Mpi3-rma] RMA WG discussion

Pavan Balaji balaji at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Dec 5 16:14:08 CST 2012

We talked about different items that need to be addressed for (1) MPI-3
Errata (should only be bug fixes, not all small changes), and (2) MPI-3.1.

We still need to discuss the below items in a telecon; this is just a
basic separation we did based on the WG discussion.

MPI-3 Errata
1. Ticket #348 -- one of the examples has a bug in it, which should be

2. Ticket #350 -- we should state that for MPI_ACCUMULATE with
MPI_NO_OP, the MPI implementation is not allowed to throw an error when
the origin buffer is NULL.

1. Ticket #344 -- Shared memory attribute query.

2. Ticket #346 -- Info keys are not consistent across window creation

3. Ticket #347 -- Info keys are not listed in the appendix.

4. Ticket #349 -- Addition of MPI_Disp_to_aint and MPI_Aint_to_disp.

5. Addition of the MPI_MODE_NOLOAD assertion.  RMA slides have info on this.

6. Info argument addition for req_mem_model.  RMA slides have info on this.

 -- Pavan

Pavan Balaji

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