[Mpi3-rma] RMA examples

Pavan Balaji balaji at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Nov 11 20:55:46 CST 2010

As discussed during the last telecon, I'm sending the three RMA examples 
to the complete list. Assume that all puts/gets/load/stores happen to 
disjoint locations. The question is whether these examples are correct, 
as in they will not corrupt data.

Reminder of the semantics of the new calls:

1. Win_flush flushes all outstanding RMA operations to the public copy
of the target window.

2. Win_membar synchronizes the public and private copies of the windows.

Example 1:

A process locks its local window, does put/get operations followed by 
load/store. After the put/get, the flush pushes everything to the public 
window, and the membar synchronizes the public and private windows, so 
the load/store after that should be valid.

/* store to local window */
/* load from local window */

Straw vote: Unanimously correct

Example 2:

Two processes (P0 and P1) lock the window of P0 (shared mode), and do 
put/get operations. The flushall followed by MPI_Barrier ensures that 
all the puts/gets have completed with respect to P0's public window. The 
membar synchronizes the public and private windows.

Process 0                                    Process 1
MPI_Win_lock(P0, shared);                    MPI_Win_lock(P0, shared);
MPI_Put();                                   MPI_Put();
MPI_Get();                                   MPI_Get();
MPI_Win_flush();                             MPI_Win_flush();
MPI_Barrier();                               MPI_Barrier();
/* store to local window */
/* load from local window */
MPI_Win_unlock();                            MPI_Win_unlock();

Straw vote: Unanimously correct

Example 3:

This is similar to example 2, except: (a) it's only for the unified 
window case and (b) there is no win_flush and membar, as there is only 
one window so the public/private windows are trivially synchronized.


Process 0                                    Process 1
MPI_Win_lock(P0, shared);                    MPI_Win_lock(P0, shared);
MPI_Put();                                   MPI_Put();
MPI_Get();                                   MPI_Get();
/* store to local window */
/* load from local window */
MPI_Win_unlock();                            MPI_Win_unlock();

Straw vote:

The main concern raised was that allowing this program to be correct 
means that non-cache coherent architectures can never claim a unified 
public/private window.

Correct: Most folks
Not correct: No one
Abstain: Bill

Torsten was somewhere between abstain and correct.

  -- Pavan

Pavan Balaji

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