[mpiwg-p2p] Meeting Today?

Daniel Holmes dholmes at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Mon Oct 26 10:55:52 CDT 2015

Hi Jim (et al),

I've returned to work today after 2 weeks leave and discovered several 
open cans of worms and my desk on fire in a valiant attempt to deal with 
the worms. You are welcome to hold the meeting without me but it may be 
better to wait until you have more to report?


On 26/10/2015 15:34, Jim Dinan wrote:
> Hi All,
> Are we meeting today?
> I have started merging the communicator info tickets into a branch of 
> the p2p repository here: 
> https://github.com/mpiwg-p2p/mpi-standard/tree/comm-info
> Not much to report yet, but the intent is to pull together a draft to 
> read in December.
>  ~Jim.
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Dan Holmes
Applications Consultant in HPC Research
EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
James Clerk Maxwell Building
The Kings Buildings
Peter Guthrie Tait Road
T: +44(0)131 651 3465
E: dholmes at epcc.ed.ac.uk

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