[mpiwg-p2p] Next meeting: 28th April 2014 11am Central US

Daniel Holmes dholmes at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Fri May 9 09:28:15 CDT 2014

Hi all,

The next point-to-point teleconference will be on Monday 12th May 2014 
at 11am Central US via webex.

Connection details are on the p2p wiki.

1) Streams - time during the meeting in June has been requested so the 
WG can ask for feedback on our initial ideas/questions. We now need a 
few slides!
2) Receive_reduce - are we bringing this to the forum in June?
3) Arecv - are we bringing this to the forum in June?
4) AOB (= any other business) - do we need additional WG time at the 
meeting in June?


Dan Holmes
Applications Consultant in HPC Research
EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
James Clerk Maxwell Building
The Kings Buildings
Mayfield Road
Edinburgh, UK
T: +44(0)131 651 3465
E: dholmes at epcc.ed.ac.uk

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