[mpiwg-hybridpm] Hybrid/Accelerator WG Meeting

Dan Holmes danholmes at chi.scot
Thu Mar 11 09:57:32 CST 2021

Hi Jim,

The CPU callback operation you describe seems to be only one-way (GPU notifying/triggering CPU), but a reverse mechanism would be needed to complete the pattern, as discussed on the call?

If the cuStreamWaitValue64 operation works like the “wait" in Stephen’s slides, i.e. does not actually sit and wait (blocking a whole thread block), but makes the FIFO stream not runnable until the wait condition is satisfied, then that looks promising for a return path. Your hint "memops are processed from within the GPU control processor that manages stream execution” suggests this is true. Doesn’t that provide all that is needed to get this working?
The GPU has a way to signal to the CPU that the send data buffer is ready to be sent.
The CPU has a way to signal to the GPU that the send data buffer can be overwritten.
The CPU has a way to signal to the GPU that the recv data buffer is ready to be consumed.
The GPU has a way to signal to the CPU that the recv data buffer can be overwritten.
The CPU needs a helper thread to monitor the memory locations targeted by the memops. This could use general requests in MPI and rely on the MPI progress “thread”/mechanism or be a separate/dedicated CPU thread.
The GPU can pack/unpack data; the CPU can use GPUDirect.

Nothing further seems to be necessary for a complete/functional implementation. Future changes — to MPI and/or to GPUs/CUDA — are only needed/desired to reduce/eliminate performance bottlenecks in this pattern.

Am I getting that right?

Dr Daniel Holmes PhD
Executive Director
Chief Technology Officer
danholmes at chi.scot

> On 11 Mar 2021, at 15:07, Jim Dinan via mpiwg-hybridpm <mpiwg-hybridpm at lists.mpi-forum.org> wrote:
> Unfortunately, CPU callbacks are not a perfect solution on their own. CUDA does not allow CUDA calls from within CPU callbacks, so for example you would not be able to launch data packing kernels or peer-to-peer copy operations from within the callback. However, you can use CPU callbacks to signal a thread in the MPI runtime to process the operation. Another option in this design space is to use CUDA memops (e.g. cuStreamWriteValue64 or cuStreamWaitValue64) to coordinate between CUDA streams and MPI communication helper threads. Because memops are processed from within the GPU control processor that manages stream execution, I would expect these to have lower overheads than CPU callbacks (although I haven't measured this).
>  ~Jim.
> On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 10:08 PM Junchao Zhang <junchao.zhang at gmail.com <mailto:junchao.zhang at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Jim, 
>   Thanks for the slides.  In Stephen's presentation today, it seems with existing techniques, i.e, CPU MPI callback nodes in CUDA graphs, one can solve the MPI GPU problem. Is my understanding correct?
>   Thanks. 
> --Junchao Zhang
> On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 8:34 PM Jim Dinan via mpiwg-hybridpm <mpiwg-hybridpm at lists.mpi-forum.org <mailto:mpiwg-hybridpm at lists.mpi-forum.org>> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've posted Stephen's slides: https://github.com/mpiwg-hybrid/hybrid-issues/tree/master/slides <https://github.com/mpiwg-hybrid/hybrid-issues/tree/master/slides>
> Best,
>  ~Jim.
> On Mon, Mar 8, 2021 at 11:21 AM Jim Dinan <james.dinan at gmail.com <mailto:james.dinan at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We have an invited speaker this week at the HACC WG:
> Topic: CUDA Deep Dive For the MPI Forum HACC WG
> When:  Wednesday, March 10 10-11:00am ET
> Connection Info: https://github.com/mpiwg-hybrid/hybrid-issues/wiki <https://github.com/mpiwg-hybrid/hybrid-issues/wiki>
> Speaker: Stephen Jones, NVIDIA
> Stephen Jones is one of the architects of CUDA, working on defining the language, the platform, and the hardware that it runs on, to span the needs of parallel programming from high performance computing to artificial intelligence. Prior to his present position, he lead the Simulation & Analytics group at SpaceX, working on large-scale simulation of rocket engines. He has worked in diverse other industries, including networking, CAD/CAM, and scientific computing. He has been a part of CUDA since 2008.
> Cheers,
>  ~Jim.
> PS - Apologies for cross posting on the main list. If you would like to continue receiving emails relating to the Hybrid & Accelerator WG, please sign up for the mailing list here: https://lists.mpi-forum.org/mailman/listinfo/mpiwg-hybridpm <https://lists.mpi-forum.org/mailman/listinfo/mpiwg-hybridpm>.
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