[mpiwg-hybridpm] Hybrid telecon fiasco
Balaji, Pavan
balaji at anl.gov
Mon Apr 7 12:18:16 CDT 2014
Thanks, I’ve uploaded it on the wiki.
— Pavan
On Apr 7, 2014, at 12:09 PM, Jim Dinan <james.dinan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Little did you know, you'd still be holding these meetings 4 years later. :)
> Meeting notes:
> In attendance: Dan and Jim
> Open items for endpoints:
> ** Interface for freeing endpoints communicators:
> Current, we use MPI_Comm_free to free endpoints communicators, and we extend the MPI_Comm_free semantics to allows one thread to call this routine for each endpoint. If we didn't have this extension to Comm_free, you can create endpoints, e.g. in MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED mode, but you can't free them. The Forum dislikes this new semantic and as suggested that we remove it.
> Dan suggested a third approach where we leave the Comm_free semantic unchanged and add a new function, MPI_Comm_free_endpoints(MPI_Comm comm_handles[], int my_num_ep), that has symmetry with Comm_create_endpoints. An endpoints communicator can be freed with either Comm_free or Comm_free_endpoints. They differ in their concurrency requirement.
> ** MPI_ALIASED result from comm_compare:
> We need to define aliased, on page 237 for comm_compare. We may also need to define it for group_compare. Here's suggested text for comm_compare (changes highlighted):
> MPI_IDENT results if and only if comm1 and comm2 are handles for the same object (same rank, identical groups, and same contexts). MPI_ALIASED results if comm1 and comm2 are handles for different ranks in the same communicator (different ranks, identical groups, and same contexts). MPI_CONGRUENT results if the underlying groups are identical in constituents and rank order; these communicators differ only by context. MPI_SIMILAR results if the group members of both communicators are the same but the rank order differs. MPI_UNEQUAL results otherwise.
> ~Jim.
> On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Balaji, Pavan <balaji at anl.gov> wrote:
> Folks,
> We were supposed to have a hybrid telecon today. Unfortunately, when I created my calendar invite 4 years ago, I decided that March 2014 was a great end date for the telecons and didn’t have it show up on my calendar.
> Jim and Dan met. Jim will email out notes.
> Sorry about that.
> — Pavan
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