[Mpi3-hybridpm] Reminder for the hybrid telecon tomorrow

Pavan Balaji balaji at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Apr 23 07:53:37 CDT 2013

On 04/22/2013 05:17 PM US Central Time, Schulz, Martin wrote:
>> Some MPI implementations might need an explicit *real* finalize at some
>> point, if they need to clean up OS resources.  For most MPI
> I was wondering about that - what platforms would be affected by
> this? OS resources shouldn't be an issue, since the OS should take
> care of this at process termination. Network resources may be a
> different issue, though.

Named pipes are an example of this.  IBM's POE is notorious for such
restrictions, though I don't know the technical reasons for why it is
so, and whether it can be fixed.

Pavan Balaji

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