[Mpi3-hybridpm] Telecon 10/6 at 12pm central

Brightwell, Ronald rbbrigh at sandia.gov
Sun Oct 9 22:55:29 CDT 2011

On 10/06/2011 11:38 AM, James Dinan wrote:
> Hi All,
> We discussed adding another split_type to the MPI_Comm_split_type
> proposal (ticket 287) to broaden the use of this routine from shared
> memory to being able to split based on topology. Text would look
> something like:
> MPI_COMM_TYPE_NEIGHBORHOOD - this type splits the communicator into
> subcommunicators, each of which encapsulates a neighborhood of
> processes. Implementations may provide info keys that can be used to
> specify the criteria used to group processes, e.g. using a feature of
> the system topology.
> Overall, we agreed that this would be a good addition. We want to
> solicit feedback from other members of the working group (especially
> Ron, who is the ticket's owner) as to whether we should add this to the
> existing text or create a new ticket and pursue this independently.
> We're planning another formal reading of this ticket at the October
> meeting.

I guess my preference would be to pursue this as a separate ticket.


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