[Mpi3-hybridpm] Ticket 217 - a.k.a. Helper Threads

Douglas Miller dougmill at us.ibm.com
Fri Aug 26 07:12:41 CDT 2011

I've also updated the helper threads document in ticket #217, to cleanup
wording and add a paragraph to the motivation/introduction.


Douglas Miller                  BlueGene Messaging Development
IBM Corp., Rochester, MN USA                     Bldg 030-2 A401
dougmill at us.ibm.com               Douglas Miller/Rochester/IBM

             IBM at IBMUS                                                  To 
             Sent by:                  mpi3-hybridpm at lists.mpi-forum.org   
             mpi3-hybridpm-bou                                          cc 
             nces at lists.mpi-fo                                             
             rum.org                                               Subject 
                                       Re: [Mpi3-hybridpm] Ticket 217 -    
                                       a.k.a. Helper Threads               
             08/19/2011 05:19                                              
             Please respond to                                             
             mpi3-hybridpm at lis                                             

I have a modified External Interfaces chapter for Ticket 217 "Helper
Threads". Both LaTex and PDF are now attached to ticket 217, for review and
discussion at the next meeting. The SVN copy of the chapter HAS NOT been


Douglas Miller                  BlueGene Messaging Development
IBM Corp., Rochester, MN USA                     Bldg 030-2 A401
dougmill at us.ibm.com               Douglas Miller/Rochester/IBM
Mpi3-hybridpm mailing list
Mpi3-hybridpm at lists.mpi-forum.org
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