[Mpi3-hybridpm] Hybrid WG meeting at the Forum

Douglas Miller dougmill at us.ibm.com
Tue Dec 7 15:02:40 CST 2010

There is already precedence, isn't there? At the very least
MPI_IS_THREAD_MAIN can be called by any thread in those modes. Also

Douglas Miller                  BlueGene Messaging Development
IBM Corp., Rochester, MN USA                     Bldg 030-2 A410
dougmill at us.ibm.com               Douglas Miller/Rochester/IBM

             Pavan Balaji                                                  
             <balaji at mcs.anl.g                                             
             ov>                                                        To 
                                       mpi3-hybridpm at lists.mpi-forum.org   
             12/07/2010 10:12                                           cc 
             AM                        Douglas Miller/Rochester/IBM at IBMUS  
                                       Re: [Mpi3-hybridpm] Hybrid WG       
                                       meeting at the Forum                

On 12/07/2010 09:47 AM, Douglas Miller wrote:
> While the implementation I'd be making would probably not distinguish
> between MULTIPLE, SERIAL, and FUNNEL, I still believe that there are
> implementations that do benefit from using a lesser threading model and
> would still be able to use helper threads. I think it is short-sighted
> to rule out those modes for helper threads.

The question is not about the utility, but rather of the introduction of
a new concept -- that is, MPI functions that can be called by multiple
threads even in SERIAL or FUNNELED mode.

  -- Pavan

Pavan Balaji
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