[mpi3-ft] Picking up working group activities

Narasimhan, Kannan kannan.narasimhan at hp.com
Tue Jan 22 13:26:47 CST 2008

I've conflicts for the following slots:

Wed: 12 pm - 2pm EST/3pm - 5pm GMT
Thur: 10am - 12pm EST/3pm - 5pm GMT
I'll be available for all other proposed time-slots (though my preference would be for the 11AM EST time-slots on Wed or Friday).


From: mpi3-ft-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu [mailto:mpi3-ft-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu] On Behalf Of Richard Graham
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 10:22 AM
To: Discussion of MPI 3 Fault Tolerance Support
Subject: Re: [mpi3-ft] Picking up working group activities

Based on the feedback, I will propose the following times as potential meeting times:

Wed: 10am - 12pm EST/3pm - 5pm GMT
        11am - 1pm EST/4pm - 6pm GMT
        12pm - 2pm EST/5pm - 8pm GMT
Thur: 10am - 12pm EST/3pm - 5pm GMT
        11am - 1pm EST/4pm - 6pm GMT
        12pm - 2pm EST/5pm - 8pm GMT
Fri: 10am - 12pm EST/3pm - 5pm GMT
        11am - 1pm EST/4pm - 6pm GMT
        12pm - 2pm EST/5pm - 8pm GMT

I would expect this to be a standing meeting, occurring every 2 weeks, with
 the exception of the the weeks we have the face-to-face meetings.  Please
 send your preferences, and we I will do the best to accommodate the greatest
 number of people we can.


On 1/21/08 1:14 PM, "Richard Graham" <rlgraham at ornl.gov> wrote:

I would like to start bi-weekly con calls to discuss Fault Tolerance and
dynamic process support  in the context of MPI 3.0.  First, we need to find
a time for the telecon that works for most people, so I will start by
suggesting that we have the call on Wed's at 11 am EST, starting 1/30/2008.
How does this work for people who plan to be active participants in this
work ?

The items I would like to start addressing next week are
 - Does MPI provide FT, or enable FT work ?
 - Do we need more than is available in the current standard ?
 - If so, what are the use-case scenarios that we are aiming to support ?

These seem to be a good starting point for discussions.  If you have a
particular use-case you want us to consider in this working group, please
write it up and circulate it to on the mailing list at least a day before we
meet, to give people a chance to read these over.  Please keep the
descriptions high-level, avoiding specific solutions, at this stage.  We
will start to discuss specifics once we have defined the scope of the
problem that needs to be addressed - if we agree that there is one in the
first place.

Same thing for dynamic process support - if you have specific use-case
scenarios that are not supported under the current standard, and you would
like to have these considered for inclusion in the 3.0 standard, please
provide the use cases you would like the group to consider.

We should continue to take input on use case scenarios until the next
face-to-face meeting, but the sooner we get these, the more effective we
will be in proceeding in a timely manner.


mpi3-ft mailing list
mpi3-ft at cs.uiuc.edu

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