[MPI3 Fortran] Fwd: Serious problem/bug in MPI libraries with the alignment of MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION
Rasmussen, Craig E
rasmussn at lanl.gov
Wed Sep 28 11:02:51 CDT 2011
You know my position but I will restate it for everyone. I don't mind conversion routines that help out an old user base but I strongly feel that the use of sequence types should be discouraged. They belong in "we should strongly discourage the usage of category" along with common blocks. For example, I just got home and did some checking with my Intel compiler and get warnings like:
mpi_alignment.f90(17): warning #6380: The structure length is not a multiple of its largest element; could create misalignments for arrays of this type. [SEQ_D_R]
type :: seq_d_r
When use sequence the programmer tells the compiler that she knows better than the compiler how to lay out types. This kind of hack has no place in a standard. By standardizing on BIND(C) derived types we tell the Fortran compiler to use the same layout of the C compiler and so we get maximal interoperability reduce the potential for problems.
On Sep 28, 2011, at 1:14 AM, Rolf Rabenseifner wrote:
> Fab and all,
> your idea seems optimal, but ... (see later)!!!!
> In detail:
> We have the problem that the Intel ***Fortran*** compiler
> answers with two different values a=4 and b=8.
> Both are Fortran values, a=4 for Fortran SEQUENCE derived
> types and b=8 for Fortran BIND(C) derived types.
> (Fortran non-sequence and non-bind(C) derived types
> are not really supported by MPI).
> The MPI Forum has to decide which value should be used
> in the example on page 581 of
> https://svn.mpi-forum.org/trac/mpi-forum-web/attachment/ticket/229/mpi-report-F2008-2011-09-08-changeonlyplustickets.pdf
> i.e., whether Alternative 1 or 2 is the correct one.
> Your proposal (I name it Alternative 3) is that
> the user has to choose the mapped C basic type.
> This is a non-trivial mapping.
> What are we doing with the unnamed predefined
> datatypes, produced by MPI_TYPE_CREATE_F90_COMPLEX /
> But your proposal inspires me to propose an
> Alternative 4.1 and 4.2:
> We need a routine that converts a given Fortran basic
> named or unnamed datatype with
> 4.1) by default "SEQUENCE alignment" into an
> unnamed predefined datatype with "BIND(C) alignment";
> this works together with Alternative 1 for page 581.
> MPI_F2003_CONVERT_SEQ_TO_BIND_C(IN seq_datatype, OUT bind_c_datatype)
> 4.2) by default "BIND(C) alignment" into an
> unnamed predefined datatype with "SEQUENCE alignment";
> this works together with Alternative 2 for page 581.
> MPI_F2003_CONVERT_BIND_C_TO_SEQ(IN bind_c_datatype, OUT seq_datatype)
> Best regards
> Rolf
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Fab Tillier" <ftillier at microsoft.com>
>> To: "Rolf Rabenseifner" <rabenseifner at hlrs.de>, "Jeff Squyres" <jsquyres at cisco.com>, "Shinji Sumimoto"
>> <s-sumi at labs.fujitsu.com>, "Hubert Ritzdorf" <hubert.ritzdorf at emea.nec.com>, "Howard Pritchard" <howardp at cray.com>,
>> "Brian Smith" <smithbr at us.ibm.com>, "Charles J Archer" <archerc at us.ibm.com>, "Rajeev Thakur" <thakur at mcs.anl.gov>,
>> "Bill Long" <longb at cray.com>, "Bill Gropp" <wgropp at uiuc.edu>, "Richard Graham" <rlgraham at ornl.gov>
>> Cc: "N.M. Maclaren" <nmm1 at cam.ac.uk>, "Iain Bason" <iain.bason at oracle.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 12:35:53 AM
>> Subject: RE: Serious problem/bug in MPI libraries with the alignment of MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION
>> Hi Rolf,
>> It seems that all the a == 4 results come from using the Intel Fortran
>> compiler suite. Given that Microsoft doesn't ship a Fortran compiler,
>> mandating a == 8 doesn't put us in a position to succeed. Therefore, I
>> cannot support such a proposal.
>> however, shouldn't a DOUBLE PRECISION BIND(C) derived type map to
> Alternative 3:
>> Can't we simply document that MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION (and any Fortran
>> types that need similar treatment) apply only to SEQUENCE derived
>> types, while BIND(C) derived types should use the C types?
>> -Fab
>> Rolf Rabenseifner wrote on Tue, 27 Sep 2011 at 14:38:45
>>> Dear all,
>>> thank you very much for the fast answers.
>>> The result is maximal bad,
>>> i.e., about 50% of the MPIs use SEQUENCE alignments and other
>>> about 50% use BIND(C) based calculation of the alignment.
>>> Here the results (also attached as summary_out.txt).
>>> Please read carefully my proposal after this summary sheet.
>>> In all protocols:
>>> -----------------
>>> Size of one Fortran REAL = 4
>>> Size of one Fortran DOUBLE PRECISION = 8
>>> Results:
>>> --------
>>> a / b / c = Alignments of:
>>> - DOUBLE PRECISION within a SEQUENCE derived type = a
>>> - DOUBLE PRECISION within a BIND(C) derived type = b
>>> - MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION (= k_i in MPI-2.2 p.78:45) = c
>>> A) The 4 / 8 / 4 group = alignment of MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION is
>>> correct for (old-style) SEQUENCE derived types
>>> JeffSquyres_OpenMP_linux-x86-64-ifort.txt: Intel + OpenMPI on x86-64
>>> Results: 4 / 8 / 4
>>> FabTillier_Intel+MicrosoftMPI_out.txt: Intel + MS-MPI on ?
>>> Results: 4 / 8 / 4
>>> B) The 4 / 8 / 8 group = alignment of MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION
>>> is correct for (modern) BIND(C) derived types
>>> Rajeev_mpich_out.ifort.x86-64.txt: Intel + mpich2 on x86-64
>>> Results: 4 / 8 / 8
>>> Rolf_asama+cray_output.txt: Intel + NEC-MPI? on asama
>>> Results: 4 / 8 / 8
>>> BillLong_Cray_5compiler_out.txt: Intel + CrayMPI on Cray XE6
>>> Results: 4 / 8 / 8
>>> BrianSmith-IBM_outlog-bgp-xl.txt: Intel + IBM-XL on BGP
>>> Results: 4 / 8 / 8
>>> BrianSmith-IBM_outlog-xlf.txt: xlf + IBM-XL on ?
>>> Results: 4 / 8 / 8
>>> C) No problems because all DOUBLE PRECISION alignments
>>> are identical = 8
>>> BillLong_Cray_5compiler_out.txt: PGI + CrayMPI on Cray XE6
>>> Results: 8 / 8 / 8
>>> BillLong_Cray_5compiler_out.txt: Cray + CrayMPI on Cray XE6
>>> Results: 8 / 8 / 8
>>> BillLong_Cray_5compiler_out.txt: gfortran + CrayMPI on Cray XE6
>>> Results: 8 / 8 / 8
>>> BillLong_Cray_5compiler_out.txt: pathscale + CrayMPI on Cray XE6
>>> Results: 8 / 8 / 8
>>> BrianSmith-IBM_outlog-gcc.txt: gfortran + IBM-XL on BGQ
>>> Results: 8 / 8 / 8
>>> JeffSquyres_OpenMP_linux-x86-64-gfortran.txt: gfortran + OpenMPI on x86-64
>>> Results: 8 / 8 / 8
>>> JeffSquyres_OpenMP_osx-x86-84-gfortran.txt: gfortran + OpenMPI on osx-x86-64
>>> Results: 8 / 8 / 8
>>> Rajeev_gnu_laptop_out.txt: gfortran + mpich2 on laptop
>>> Results: 8 / 8 / 8
>>> Rajeev_mpich_out.gfortran.x86-64.txt: gfortran + mpich2 on x86-64
>>> Results: 8 / 8 / 8
>>> D) No problems because all DOUBLE PRECISION alignments are
>>> identical = 4
>>> Rajeev_mpich_out.gfortran.ia32.txt: gfortran + mpich2 on ia32
>>> Results: 4 / 4 / 4
>>> Rajeev_mpich_out.ifort.ia32.txt: Intel + mpich2 on ia32
>>> Results: 4 / 4 / 4
>>> Proposal:
>>> ---------
>>> The goal of a standard is the possibility to write portable code.
>>> Therefore the answer should be standardized and not implementation-
>>> specific, or in other words, not defining it is the worst solution.
>>> I expect only a few Fortran codes are using arrays of derived types
>>> in Fortran.
>>> The oldest library is mpich.
>>> Therefore I would propose to standardize Fortran alignments are
>>> based
>>> on BIND(C) which should be the same as in C.
>>> This would imply that IBM-XL and mpich2 and derivatives need no
>>> change.
>>> But it also implies that the younger OpenMPI and Microsoft-MPI
>>> need a change. These implementation may add an environment switch
>>> to keep the old behavior if this switch is set,
>>> but I would expect that there is nearly no user
>>> who needs or want to use this switch.
>>> Fab and Jeff, could you live with this proposal?
>>> Best regards
>>> Rolf
>>> PS: Additional remarks:
>>> Yes, some compiler detect that DOUBLE PR. on 4 byte alignment is
>>> inefficient, but this is only an information. Other compilers
>>> detect, that we use DOUBLE PRECISION in BIND(C) derived types
>>> instead of using the C double through these new intrinsic C
>>> types in
>>> Fortran. This is also okay and all compiler work as expected,
>>> they
>>> use the C alignment.
>>>> Rolf Rabenseifner wrote on Tue, 27 Sep 2011 at 09:14:33
>>>>> In my output from Cray, the compilers
>>>>> - gnu
>>>>> - pgi
>>>>> - cray
>>>>> all use 8 byte double alignment in C and Fortran.
>>>>> ==> no problem with those compilers on the tested platform.
>>>>> Maybe we have differences between IA64 and 32 architectures
>>>>> for the same compiler.
>>>>> Important is to check MPI with those compilers that have
>>>>> Fortran 4 byte double precision alignment (e.g. Intel).
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Rolf
>>>>>> On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:21 AM, Rolf Rabenseifner wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear all, (now with attachment)
>>>>>>> as far as I know, you represent some MPI libraries that are
>>>>>>> not directly based on another one in the list:
>>>>>>> - mpich2: Rajeev
>>>>>>> - OpenMPI: Jeff
>>>>>>> - IBM: Rich Treumann
>>>>>>> - NEC: Hubert
>>>>>>> - Fujitsu: Shinji Sumimoto
>>>>>>> - Microsoft: Fab
>>>>>>> (Which independent library is missing on this list?)
>>>>>>> (Who of the list uses already mich2 or OpenMPI as bases
>>>>>>> or does not provide a Fortran binding,
>>>>>>> and can be therefore removed from this list?)
>>>>>>> The problem is simple and has at the end only three numbers:
>>>>>>> Alignments of:
>>>>>>> - DOUBLE PRECISION within a SEQUENCE derived type = 4 (e.g.
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> Intel)
>>>>>>> - DOUBLE PRECISION within a BIND(C) derived type = 8
>>>>>>> - MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION (= k_i in MPI-2.2 p.78:45) = 4 or 8
>>>>>>> The details:
>>>>>>> Which is the alignment of Fortran DOUBLE PRECISION according to
>>>>>>> k_i on MPI-2.2, page 78 line 45 and page 96 line 42.
>>>>>>> Since 1977 (Fortran 77) in Fortran COMMON blocks and 1990
>>>>>>> (Fortran
>>>>>>> 90)
>>>>>>> in Fortran SEQUENCE derived types (which have the same memory
>>>>>>> layout
>>>>>>> according to the SEQUENCE-rules), the MPI alignment and the
>>>>>>> Fortran
>>>>>>> alignment in such constructs should be the same, e.g., the Intel
>>>>>>> compiler has alignment 4 !!!
>>>>>>> This may be significantly different to C, where Intel uses
>>>>>>> alignment
>>>>>>> 8!
>>>>>>> With Fortran 2003, we got the Fortran BIND(C) derived types.
>>>>>>> Here, a Fortran DOUBLE PRECISION has with Intel's compiler
>>>>>>> the alignment 8.
>>>>>>> As far as I understand, mpich2 and Cray produce following
>>>>>>> results
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> an Intel compiler:
>>>>>>> Alignments of:
>>>>>>> - DOUBLE PRECISION within a SEQUENCE derived type = 4
>>>>>>> - DOUBLE PRECISION within a BIND(C) derived type = 8
>>>>>>> - MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION (= k_i in MPI-2.2 p.78:45) = 8
>>>>>>> This is definitely wrong compared to MPI-1.1 and MPI-2.0
>>>>>>> but may be helpful for MPI-3.0 when we like to switch
>>>>>>> to a definition that is based on BIND(C).
>>>>>>> Question:
>>>>>>> What is the output of the attached test program when running
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> - your MPI library
>>>>>>> - and your compiler
>>>>>>> - and with Intel's compiler
>>>>>>> Please can you send me the output of such mpiruns?
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance and best regards
>>>>>>> Rolf
>>>>>>> PS: We need not to care about 8/8/8.
>>>>>>> Only 4/8/x causes problems:
>>>>>>> If all those have x=8 then I'll propose to
>>>>>>> adopt the MPI-3.0 to the reality.
>>>>>>> If we have some implementations with 4/8/8 and
>>>>>>> others with 4/8/4 then we have a serious problem
>>>>>>> because only one answer can be correct,
>>>>>>> and the question would be whether the historical
>>>>>>> answer (x=4) or the modern answer (x=8)
>>>>>>> should be chosen.
> --
> Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email rabenseifner at hlrs.de
> High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone ++49(0)711/685-65530
> University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 / 685-65832
> Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . . www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
> Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . (Office: Allmandring 30)
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