[mpi3-coll] Neighborhood collectives round 2: reductions

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Sun Dec 16 23:53:55 CST 2012

On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 8:08 AM, Torsten Hoefler <htor at illinois.edu> wrote:

> >    Those use cases ([3]
> http://lists.mpi-forum.org/mpi3-coll/2011/11/0239.php)
> >    were all dependent on being able to reduce to overlapping targets.
> Depends on your definition of target.  If you mean processes by
> "targets", then the current interface proposal provides this; if you
> mean memory locations at one process by "targets", then this will not be
> possible within current MPI semantics.

I mean that the memory overlaps on the processor accumulating the result of
the reduction. Think of a bunch of subdomains of a regular grid with one or
two cells of overlap. An example of a "reduction" is to add up the
contribution from all copies of each given cell. Cells near the middle of a
"face" are only shared by two processes, but corner cells are shared by
several processes.

> >    As for defining "identity", the operation I would like is to reduce by
> >    combining with a local buffer (usually in-place destination buffer).
> That
> >    is, if I have the local buffer
> >    mine = [1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1]
> This can be expressed as a self-edge (we can discuss about in-place
> arguments, but then you would need to guarantee that the local buffer is
> larger than the largest neighbor buffer).

Useful application semantics would require the same.

> >    and vector types for my two neighbors (defined by me)
> >    incoming_type[0] = [0, 3, 4]
> >    incoming_type[1] = [1, 4]
> >    with incoming data (actually getting sent)
> >    incoming_data[0] = [10.2, 20.2, 30.2]
> >    incoming_data[1] = [100.3, 200.3]
> >    the result would be
> >    [op(1.1, 10.2), op(2.1, 100.3), 3.1, op(4.1, 20.2), op(5.1, 30.2,
> 200.3),
> >    6.1]
> >    This would be a natural expression of the operation I call "SFReduce"
> in
> >    [4]http://59A2.org/files/StarForest.pdf
> I see, this may be doable with the vector interface (if we remove the
> restriction of equal vector sizes -- this would remove some optimization
> opportunities). Can you confirm that the current proposed
> neighbor_reducev() interface can cover this case?

If you remove the restriction of equal vector sizes, are you going to add
an MPI_Datatype describing where to put the result? (I'd expect that to be
a neighbor_reducew.) Note that in general, there would be some points
shared by neighbors {1,2} and other points shared by neighbors {1,3} (and
{2,3}, ...) thus we can't just sort such that the reduction is always
applied to the "first N" elements.

> One remaining question is if you can always guarantee "packed" data,
> i.e., that the "empty" elements are always at the tail. Well, I guess
> you could always add identity elements in the middle to create gaps.

I could pack, but I thought the point of the W interfaces was to enable the
user to avoid packing (with possible performance advantages relative to
fully-portable user code).

> Also, would the static communication topology work for your use-cases
> (neighborhoods don't change for a while).

Yes, comm topology is typically static, and we wouldn't use the
neighborhood routines if it was changing frequently.
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