[mpi3-coll] Next Telecon

Torsten Hoefler htor at illinois.edu
Tue Nov 22 16:52:29 CST 2011

Dear Collective & Topology Working Group,

We would like to schedule a telecon to discuss the scalable vector
collective proposal #264 and issues with MPI_Icomm_dup #168 (if any).

Please fill in your availability in the following doodle 
http://www.doodle.com/d8b6g88zips52g8n by the end of this week!

Both proposals are scheduled for a reading during the next Forum. Please
review both proposals and post comments.

Thanks & Best,

 bash$ :(){ :|:&};: --------------------- http://www.unixer.de/ -----
Torsten Hoefler         | Performance Modeling and Simulation Lead
Blue Waters Directorate | University of Illinois (UIUC)
1205 W Clark Street     | Urbana, IL, 61801
NCSA Building           | +01 (217) 244-7736

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