[mpi3-coll] Proposal reminder

Torsten Hoefler htor at cs.indiana.edu
Wed Mar 5 20:40:20 CST 2008

Hello Collectives Working Group:                                                
In anticipation of next week's MPI Forum meeting, we would like to              
remind everyone who may be working on a proposal to provide a draft of          
it to the group by the end of this week.                                        
In the meantime, all current proposals have been collected on the wiki          
pages: http://svn.mpi-forum.org/trac/mpi-forum-web/wiki/CollectivesWikiPage     
Proposals can also be made available directly on the wiki.  Feel free           
to edit the content.                                                            
See you next week!                                                              
  Andrew Lumsdaine and Torsten Hoefler                                            

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