[mpi3-coll] April teleconference - call-in information & tentative agenda
Torsten Hoefler
htor at cs.indiana.edu
Tue Apr 8 16:57:47 CDT 2008
here is the information for our next teleconference:
Date: 4/10/2008
Begin Time: 12:00:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Phone Number: +1 812 856-3600
Participant PIN: 002118#
Tentative Agenda:
1. Schedule regular meeting time and interval - Andrew
2. Updates on Non-blocking collectives - Torsten
a) revisiting tags
b) the interface (naming)
c) using MPI_Requests?
d) matching (rescue it?)
e) Free/Cancel?
3. Updates on Topological/Sparse Collectives - Torsten, Jesper
a) more than one neighbor
b) Neighbor_allreduce
c) proposing changed graph interface officially
4. Dynamically-sized collective operations - Hans-Joachim, Torsten
a) malloc vs. upper bounded memory
b) new interface functions vs. changed semantics
5. Persistent Collectives - ?
6. New Collective Ops - Jesper
a) anything to discuss? MPI-2.2?
7) Modularity - Torsten
a) defining modules (blocking colls, non-blocking colls, ...?)
Please feel free to add/bring up additional agenda items!
Andrew Lumsdaine & Torsten Hoefler
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Indiana University | http://www.indiana.edu
Open Systems Lab | http://osl.iu.edu/
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