[mpiwg-abi] meeting April 4 to discuss integer and handle constants
Jeff Hammond
jeff.science at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 12:12:19 CDT 2023
The meeting is 15-16 Helsinki, not 17-18. 8 AM New York time was correct.
On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 7:57 PM Jeff Hammond <jeff.science at gmail.com> wrote:
> The meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, April 4, 17-18 Helsinki time, 8-9 AM New
> York time.
> The topics / decisions of interest are:
> A. Integer constants
> We have constants that must be powers of two (mode constants),
> constants that must have a < relationship (error codes and thread levels),
> constants that should be negative to avoid conflicting with e.g. ranks, and
> constants that can be anything.
> I have a proposal for constants here:
> https://github.com/mpiwg-abi/specification-text-draft/blob/main/IntegerConstants.md.
> I have not yet implemented Dan's suggestion to make constants unique
> (presumably, for the aforementioned categories that allow it).
> I would like feedback on the following:
> 1. Are the values of MPI_MAX_*** acceptable? In all cases, I chose the
> greater of MPICH and OMPI. For MPI_BSEND_OVERHEAD, I used 512 to be safe.
> Is that too large? Is 128 better?
> 2. Are there any opponents to Dan's suggestion that all the constants are
> unique, within reason? If the consensus favors this, I'll redo all the
> constants accordingly.
> 3. Are there any other integer constant values that bother people? I have
> very little attachment to any of them, and it is trivial to change them now.
> B. Handle constants
> I implemented a Huffman code for these (
> https://github.com/mpiwg-abi/specification-text-draft/blob/main/HandleConstants.md
> ). I made a Python code
> <https://github.com/mpiwg-abi/specification-text-draft/blob/main/print-handle-constants.py>
> that implements it, and the program dumps all the values, and can be
> modified easily to generate mpi_abi.h.
> Does anyone oppose the idea of a Huffman code? I know Hui is indifferent,
> which is obviously fine. One can ignore the Huffman code and just view the
> results as some random values I chose :-)
> If you like Huffman codes, but dislike mine, then please complain soon.
> There are some parts that I do not love. For example, fixed size types are
> handled consistently and encode their size (as the log_2 of bytes) in bits
> 3:5, while language default types are on a different branch and encode
> their size in bits 8:10. I can makes those consistent, but it means the
> code branches aren't sequential in the bit indices. I think that's fine,
> but I am new to Huffman codes.
> An alternative to the above is to say that in mpi_abi.h, that MPI_INT,
> MPI_LONG and MPI_LONG_LONG are aliased to MPI_INTn_T according to the ABI
> definition, and do not exist on their own. This has some appeal, but will
> change the results of MPI_Type_get_name. What do people think about this?
> The good news is there is lots of free space in the Huffman code for new
> handle types and new constants. I am not worried about running out of
> space. Already, I have reserved space for a bunch of types that are likely
> to exist in C and C++ in the near future, so those will be trivial to add
> later.
> Finally, as noted on Slack, we have to figure out whether we reserve space
> for or standardize some types that OMPI defines today in the MPI_
> namespace. This is the lowest priority for me right now, so if we don't
> address it this week, that is fine.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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> --
> Jeff Hammond
> jeff.science at gmail.com
> http://jeffhammond.github.io/
Jeff Hammond
jeff.science at gmail.com
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