[Mpi3-wgleads] Agenda for March meeting

Richard Graham rlgraham at [hidden]
Wed Feb 20 13:39:09 CST 2008

Please take a look at the proposed agenda for the next meeting.  You can
find it from the meetings.mpi-forum.org link, under the meeting details.
Please send me requests for changes, and I will do my best to get everything
to fit. Note that at this stage I have not scheduled anything specific for
MPI 2.2 (aside from the const and the buffer access, which I put in the
point-to-point working group), as I am not aware of any specific proposals
at this stage.

Please note that I would like each working group to give a 5 minute update
at the beginning of the meeting, to help let the broader community what is
being considered at this stage.


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