[Mpi3-abi] telecon Thursday June 26
Supalov, Alexander
alexander.supalov at [hidden]
Thu Jun 26 11:41:07 CDT 2008
Hi everybody,
Unfortunately, I was unable to connect under +1-505-606-1201. Here's what I'd like to say about the classes introduced into the spreadsheet:
This comes from Bill Gropp's paper on GMPI, a layer that would insulate MPI details from the client. Since ABI is going to act almost like GMPI, this classification seems to be applicable to our case as well.
The classes are as follows:
o Compile-time values
§ Used in declarations (MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING, etc.)
Since preprocessor and compiler are involved, there's no chance for ABI other than to agree on common values for all complying implementations.
These we can translate within the ABI wrapper, if any.
o Init-time constants (MPI_INT, etc.)
Same here. These conceptually come to be after MPI_Init. Mind the array conversion in the collective *v calls, though.
o Opaque objects (MPI_Comm, MPI_Datatype, etc.)
Same here.
o Defined objects (MPI_Status)
This is the biggest problem of all, most likely requiring an extension to the MPI API.
o Defined pointers (MPI_BOTTOM, MPI_STATUS_NULL, etc.)
I bet we can try to translate these in the wrapper. See Status above.
The next step would be to check the classification for correctness, and then set about defining the standard entity sizes and their encoding.
Best regards.
-----Original Message-----
From: mpi3-abi-bounces_at_[hidden] [mailto:mpi3-abi-bounces_at_[hidden]] On Behalf Of Jeff Brown
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 6:04 PM
To: MPI 3.0 ABI working group; MPI 3.0 ABI working group
Subject: Re: [Mpi3-abi] telecon Thursday June 26
eems I attached an old version - here's the latest
At 09:59 AM 6/25/2008, Jeff Brown wrote:
>reminder - telecon tomorrow (Thursday) at 10:00 MDT
>latest spreadsheet attached ...
>We will go over the "Class" column and start discussing populating
>the ABI column.
>At 01:33 PM 6/19/2008, Jeff Brown wrote:
>>The conference call is scheduled.
>>Dial in number: 665-2778 local 866-736-2112 toll free
>>I hope the lines stay up this time!
>>At 11:15 AM 6/19/2008, Jeff Brown wrote:
>>>I'll schedule a telecon for Thursday 26 at 10:00 A.M. MDT.
>>>In the meantime, please take a look at the latest spreadsheet
>>>posted on June 4. Alexander added a "Class" column that
>>>categorizes each item according to the taxonomy in the Gropp
>>>paper. The next step would be to agree on these categorizations
>>>then start populating the ABI column.
>>>mpi3-abi mailing list
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