[Mpi-forum] September 2024 Meeting Registration and Call for Topics

Wes Bland work at wesbland.com
Mon Jul 22 12:02:09 CDT 2024

Hi all,


The logistics page for the September 2024 MPI Forum meeting is now posted in the usual spot:


>From there you can find information about attending and registering either in-person or to participate remotely. Please do so ASAP to help with planning. Note that regardless of whether you plan to participate in-person or remotely, you must register with the MPI Forum. If you plan to attend in-person, you will also need to register with the conference to pay registration fees.


Anyone with topics for the upcoming meeting, please go ahead and announce them here on the mailing list. Topics will go into the agenda page <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.mpi-forum.org/meetings/2024/09/agenda__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YlX_C63KvMOgYOx_EyoOjSzOQYRHoM-VFze69sGyDz9nrAMQCEuGENZb8-vaF2b4D4n838nrqk1crHZvmFqkWhRC$ > when Martin or I see them.

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