[Mpi-forum] MPI Forum Starting Tomorrow / Wednesday: Missing Reviews / Chapter Readings

Martin Schulz schulzm at in.tum.de
Tue Sep 12 17:56:17 CDT 2023

Hi all,


We will be starting tomorrow afternoon (local time) with our MPI Forum RC Meeting. The core will be the reading of the changes made to all chapters, as well as the creation of a list of all outstanding issues.


For this, we are still missing a few reviews of the MPI standard – the procedure is laid out below in a previous email by Wesley. If you haven’t had the chance to do this, yet, please complete your section as soon as possible, so that we can get a complete overview. If you would like to volunteer for an open section, please let us know as well.


Also, just a reminder for all chapter committee chairs: please let us know if you won’t be reading your chapter diffs who from your committee you have designated to do so.


Thanks and see you tomorrow (in Bristol or online),





Prof. Dr. Martin Schulz, Chair of Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems

Department of Informatics, TU-Munich, Boltzmannstraße 3, D-85748 Garching

Member of the Board of Directors at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

Email: schulzm at in.tum.de



From: Wes Bland <work at wesbland.com>
Date: Wednesday, 23. August 2023 at 17:36
To: Amit Ruhela <aruhela at tacc.utexas.edu>, Aurelien Bouteiller <bouteill at icl.utk.edu>, "benson.muite at kichakatokizito.solutions" <benson.muite at kichakatokizito.solutions>, William Williams <william.williams at mailbox.tu-dresden.de>, "bsmith at cornelisnetworks.com" <bsmith at cornelisnetworks.com>, Christoph Niethammer <niethammer at hlrs.de>, Claudia Blaas-Schenner <claudia.blaas-schenner at tuwien.ac.at>, Dan Holmes <daniel.john.holmes at intel.com>, "dschafer1 at unm.edu" <dschafer1 at unm.edu>, "edgar.gabriel at gmail.com" <edgar.gabriel at gmail.com>, "mercier at labri.fr" <mercier at labri.fr>, "Howard Pritchard Jr." <howardp at lanl.gov>, Hugo Taboada <Hugo.TABOADA at cea.fr>, Ignacio Laguna <ilaguna at llnl.gov>, "jbbesnard at paratools.com" <jbbesnard at paratools.com>, James Dinan <jdinan at nvidia.com>, Joseph Schuchart <schuchart at icl.utk.edu>, "Julien.JAEGER at cea.fr" <Julien.JAEGER at cea.fr>, "raffenet at anl.gov" <raffenet at anl.gov>, "capelli.ludovic at gmail.com" <capelli.ludovic at gmail.com>, Marc-André Hermanns <hermanns at itc.rwth-aachen.de>, Maria Garzaran <maria.garzaran at intel.com>, Martin Rüefenacht <m.a.ruefenacht at gmail.com>, "martin.schreiber at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr" <martin.schreiber at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>, Martin Schulz <schulzm at in.tum.de>, Matthew Dosanjh <mdosanj at sandia.gov>, "michael.klemm at amd.com" <michael.klemm at amd.com>, "m.knobloch at fz-juelich.de" <m.knobloch at fz-juelich.de>, "shineman.5 at osu.edu" <shineman.5 at osu.edu>, "jnysal at in.ibm.com" <jnysal at in.ibm.com>, Puri Bangalore <pvbangalore at ua.edu>, Quincey Koziol <qkoziol at amazon.com>, "Shipley, Riley Prescott" <riley-shipley at utc.edu>, Ryan Grant <ryan.grant at queensu.ca>, "sumimoto at cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp" <sumimoto at cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp>, Thomas Naughton <naughtont at ornl.gov>, Tobias Haas <tobias.haas at hlrs.de>, "eijkhout at tacc.utexas.edu" <eijkhout at tacc.utexas.edu>, Wes Bland <work at wesbland.com>, William Gropp <wgropp at illinois.edu>
Subject: Re: Action Required -- MPI 4.1 RC Review


Hi folks, 


I’m sorry that I left out the detail about the page numbers. A couple of you have already asked about this.


The document essentially has two sets of page numbers. The first is the one that your PDF reader will likely give and starts at 1. The second is what is printed in the document and starts at i (lowercase “eye”).


The original numbers in the sheet were the first set, but I’ve now added another set of columns with the second as well. So you can hopefully decipher which ones are assigned to you from that.


When you fill out the form with your response, please use the first set of numbers.




On Aug 23, 2023, at 10:57 AM, Wes Bland <work at wesbland.com> wrote:


Hi all,


Thanks to each of you for being an active participant in the MPI Forum this year. As we come to the end of the MPI 4.1 ratification process, we have one more ask for each of you who have been most involved.


As we discussed during the July 2023 meeting now is the time that we will collectively review the MPI 4.1 RC Document before we go through the final steps for ratification. Each of you who have been active participants over the last year have been assigned a chunk of the document (each chunk is 30 pages). Your assignments can be found on this Google Sheet:




You can find the document itself here:




As you are reviewing, these are the guidelines for things you should be looking for:


1. Formatting and whitespace problems

2. Spelling errors or other typos

3. Logical inconsistencies in the overall document

4. Problems with the way approved changes were applied


You are welcome to note any other issues you see as well.


As you finish your review, please use this form (https://forms.gle/93hXANvVkp3MhrCD9) to provide your feedback. I’ll be able to triage issues from there. If you have no notes, please still fill out that form and mention that so we know each chunk has been covered. These reviews must be completed by September 8th (there are no review deadline extensions 😀) so we can discuss them at the meeting the following week. If you cannot complete your assignment by then, please let Martin and I know as soon as possible so we can try to find someone else who is willing to take over your section. If you are willing to look through an extra section, please let us know that too so we can line up extra reviewers just in case.


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us for clarification.





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