[Mpi-forum] MPI Forum Agenda Posted

Martin Schulz schulzm at in.tum.de
Fri Sep 23 10:04:27 CDT 2022

Hi all,


We have posted the preliminary final agenda for the forum meeting on the usual space at:




Note, in contrast to our purely virtual meetings, all times are noted in Eastern Time, i.e., local time of the meeting. Also, we will have to utilize the whole days (8:30-17:00 local time). I realize this is not ideal for many virtual participants, but for a hybrid meeting I fear this is the best we can do.


We also had two requests for WG meetings – to not limit the plenary time (where we have a full agenda), we decided to overlap them with the tutorials, which I hope works for everyone. Of course, feel free to also arrange other times outside the normal program, but please not that Tony informed us that the meeting facility is only available from 8:00 to 17:00.


As you have seen in the previous emails, the registration for in-person is closed, but registration for virtual attendance is still open (we noticed that a few usual suspects are still missing, please register asap if you plan to participate to make Wesley’s bookkeeping job easier). Note, there is a fee this time, even for virtual attendance (as it always has been before the pandemic) to cover a share of room and virtual logistics costs.


Thanks and hope to see all of you (virtual or in person) next week,






Prof. Dr. Martin Schulz, Chair of Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems

Department of Informatics, TU-Munich, Boltzmannstraße 3, D-85748 Garching

Member of the Board of Directors at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

Email: schulzm at in.tum.de


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