[Mpi-forum] Virtual MPI Forum Meeting Tomorrow/Wednesday 10/28 10am CT (NOTE CHANGED TIME IN EUROPE)

Martin Schulz schulzm at in.tum.de
Tue Oct 27 14:56:05 CDT 2020

Hi all,

Just the usual reminder - we have our next virtual MPI forum meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) at the usual time at 10am CT. The link is - as always - available from the forum website. For the European folks, note that we have shifted away from daylight savings, while the US has not, hence the meeting is an hour earlier this week. My apologies, I do not know the impact on folks in Asia, but I assume that the impact is delayed by a week there (please chime in with details!).

As in the previous weeks, the plan is to go over all items on the MPI 4.0 project board (https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-issues/projects/2). If you have any items, please make sure to update them following Wesley's Wiki instructions.



Prof. Dr. Martin Schulz, Chair of Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems
Department of Informatics, TU-Munich, Boltzmannstraße 3, D-85748 Garching
Member of the Board of Directors at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)
Email: schulzm at in.tum.de

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