[Mpi-forum] MPI Forum - June 2020 Exceptional Virtual Meeting Votes

Wesley Bland work at wesbland.com
Mon Jun 15 10:03:19 CDT 2020

Hi all,

Vote and reading announcements for the upcoming June meeting are now closed. Since we have many more ballots than usual, I wanted to draw folks attention to the list of all of the ballots for this meeting so people can double-check my work. We currently have 29 ballots on the schedule (glad we’ll be voting online this time) with some of every type of ballot. Please go through the list and make sure that I’ve included any thing you might have announced or been involved in. If there’s any problems, contact me directly so we can get these fixed quickly.

I’m also including a link to the sample ballot so everyone can make sure it works for them. This form won’t actually work yet since it doesn’t include your name and org. That will get filled in when I send your special URL during voting time. In the meantime, you can make sure that the page loads properly for you and I’m not missing anything. As a reminder, make sure that only one person at your org submits the ballot to represent that org (otherwise I’ll just pick a random one that comes in when I’m tallying the votes). Go ahead and discuss that now with anyone else from your org that may have registered.

Meeting Registration List: https://www.mpi-forum.org/meetings/2020/06/attendance <https://www.mpi-forum.org/meetings/2020/06/attendance> 
Ballot List: https://www.mpi-forum.org/meetings/2020/06/votes <https://www.mpi-forum.org/meetings/2020/06/votes> 
Sample Ballot: https://form.jotform.com/201614072992151 <https://form.jotform.com/201614072992151>

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