[Mpi-forum] Additional MPI Forum Procedures Discussions

Wesley Bland work at wesbland.com
Mon Jun 8 09:24:38 CDT 2020

Hi all,

Now that we’ve made the urgent changes to be able to hold exceptional virtual meetings, I’d like to discuss two additional sets of changes.

First, during the discussion of the virtual meetings, we realized and I mentioned that there were some minor changes necessary to the RCM/FRM procedures for completing an MPI Standard Document. Those changes are available here: Update to RCM/FRM rules for GitHub <https://github.com/mpi-forum/procedures/pull/6>

Second, Martin and I have been discussing the need for a more formal elections system for a while to get ready for the next round of MPI Standard Documents so there would be a more clear process for replacing officers or confirming them in their existing roles (to avoid the more on-the-fly discussion that we had after MPI 3.1). I’m proposing some text to formalize that here: https://github.com/mpi-forum/procedures/pull/7 <https://github.com/mpi-forum/procedures/pull/7>

A very short version of what’s in the proposal is:
Add a definition for MPI Forum Treasurer (to replace the current role of Meeting Convener, which has largely morphed into treasurer over the past few years anyway).
Officers serve through one “major release cycle” (from MPI 4.0 -> MPI 5.0) to provide longer term continuity by default.
Nominations open at the Release Candidate Meeting and elections occur at the Final Ratification Meeting for the major versions. Elections are a simple majority (not plurality) to avoid deadlock.
Officers may vacate their positions if needed and will be replaced at the next voting meeting.
These rules would apply to the four “officer” positions that the MPI Forum currently recognizes:
Document Editor
All of the details are available in the relatively short pull request so please go over that when you have a chance.

I’ll present both of these pull requests briefly on Wednesday during the virtual meeting before we start the main topic from Rolf on Virtual Topologies.

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