[Mpi-forum] Items for MPI Forum in Albuquerque / DEADLINE IS MONDAY

schulzm at in.tum.de schulzm at in.tum.de
Sat Nov 23 15:56:03 CST 2019

Hi all,

The next forum meeting is almost upon us (December 9-12) - as discussed last time, the plan is to only have plenary items with preference to the big topics that we want to see in MPI 4.0. The deadline for all announcements is this Monday, November 25th. Please send all reading or vote announcements to the list by that date.

Thanks and see you in Albuquerque,


PS: Please register soon to help with logistics!

Prof. Dr. Martin Schulz, Chair of Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems
Department of Informatics, TU-Munich, Boltzmannstraße 3, D-85748 Garching
Member of the Board of Directors at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)
Email: schulzm at in.tum.de

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