[Mpi-forum] Jan MPI Forum meeting

Graham, Richard L. rlgraham at ornl.gov
Wed Nov 9 11:17:22 CST 2011

This is the plan.  Josh and I have talked about having the FT wg meet earlier, but don't know if this is a possibility.  If this is a possibility, other wg are free to do the same thing.  I would not want to start any plenary sessions early, unless we know for a fact that travel plans would not preclude some from the earlier start time.


On Nov 9, 2011, at 12:05 PM, Bronis R. de Supinski wrote:

> Rich:
> Re:
>> For those trying to make travel arrangements - I would expect that the 
>> meeting will go long on Wed, at least until 3 pm.   Working groups are 
>> trying to finish as much as possible for the 3.0 standard, so the 
>> calendar is filling up with plenary sessions.
> Will we still start at at 1PM on Monday?
> Bronis
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