[Mpi-forum] Draft standard - take II

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at cisco.com
Tue Oct 26 09:37:48 CDT 2010

On Oct 26, 2010, at 10:23 AM, Torsten Hoefler wrote:

>> Yes "htor" is me.

I know htor is you; my question is: are you the chapter chair?  (it's not listed on the page)

Rich just replied "yes", but it's still not listed on the web page.  :-)

> I am communicating all such changes to all members of the chapter
> committee. This means we have control within the committee. I can
> broadcast every change to the whole forum if you want (which might delay
> the process).

Fair enough; it was just a scary log message.

>> Additionally, there were frontmatter changes yesterday on the trunk
>> last night that were made after the branch.  Do they need to come over
>> to the branch?
> I think the respective committee (Frontmatter & Introduction) will
> review those changes. 

My point is: does everyone know about the branch and where they're supposed to be editing?

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com
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