[Mpi-forum] MPI 2.2 C++ bindings

Dave Goodell goodell at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Apr 23 16:11:38 CDT 2010

On Apr 23, 2010, at 3:54 PM, Richard Treumann wrote:
> Has anyone implemented the C++ bindings for the new MPI 2.2 APIs? I  
> am not a C++ expert but it seems to me there are several errors.  
> Even if they are deprecated, they are required for now.

Can you be a little more specific about where the problems are?

The MPICH2 C++ bindings are mostly auto-generated, so we have at least  
partially implemented them already (e.g. I see  
MPI::Reduce_scatter_block in mpicxx.h).  But I don't think that we  
wrote any C++ tests for the few new APIs that were introduced and I  
don't know if any of it works.


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