[Mpi-forum] Implementation of 2.2 and Thursday MPI session atEuroPVM/MPI

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at cisco.com
Mon Sep 7 06:01:34 CDT 2009

Open MPI is just starting our MPI-2.2 efforts.  A preliminary look  
seems to indicate that there isn't too much work, but I haven't had a  
chance to make a timeline estimate yet.

On Sep 7, 2009, at 1:53 AM, Rolf Rabenseifner wrote:

> Rich and
> Rajeev, Jeff, Dick, Rolf V., Erez, Naoki Sueyasu, Yann, David,
> Mark, Hubert and Jesper, Alexander and Keith, David Gingold
> (i.e., all who are mentioned on the attached slide),
> on this Thursday (Sep.10, 2009), I expect, you will present MPI-2.2
> at EuroPVM/MPI in the "MPI forum information session" (3-4pm).
> One question will be, when it is to expect that MPI-2.2 will be
> available as MPI libraries.
> The number of new routines and enhancements is small.
> I would expect, that the question from last year slide should be
> modified into "available at SC09?"
> I can imagine that mpich2 and OpenMPI have a real opportunity
> to met such a goal.
> I hope, all MPI implementors can give you a rough estimate when
> their MPI libraries will be MPI-2.2 compliant.
> For me, this is also the answer to the question, when users should
> substitute their old MPI-2.1 books by the new MPI-2.2 book:
> https://fs.hlrs.de/projects/par/mpi/mpi22/
> Best regards
> Rolf
> Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email rabenseifner at hlrs.de
> High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone ++49(0)711/685-65530
> University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 / 685-65832
> Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . . www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
> Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . (Office: Allmandring 30)
> <mpi21-implementation-slide.pdf><ATT16838761.txt>

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com

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