[Mpi-forum] [Mpi-22] Call for MPI 2.2 agenda items

Dries Kimpe Dries.Kimpe at cs.kuleuven.be
Mon May 5 17:23:06 CDT 2008

* Rajeev Thakur <thakur at mcs.anl.gov> [2008-05-05 15:36:01]:

> * MPI_CHAR, MPI::CHAR should be signed char or char?

In C and C++, char, signed char and unsigned char are all distinct

(And in C++, wchar_t is yet another type; In C it is a typedef
and thus not a new type but an alias)

Char can either be signed or unsigned and this is platform/compiler
dependent.  So MPI_CHAR and MPI::CHAR should be whatever the
compiler/platform thinks and cannot be fixed in the standard to
be signed or unsigned.


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