[Mpi-22] Call for MPI 2.2 agenda items

Rajeev Thakur thakur at [hidden]
Mon May 5 15:36:01 CDT 2008

Now that MPI 2.1 is close to completion, it is time to look at issues for
MPI 2.2. Please send any items you may have for 2.2 to
mpi-22_at_[hidden] and/or upload them to the wiki (and let us know).
I had made a note of the following items from the last meeting that were
deferred to 2.2:

* support for long long in maxloc, minloc

* fix meaning of first two sentences in intercommunicator barrier

* Ex 5.8 uses old style MPI_UB

* Many functions say "integer" instead of "nonnegative integer"

* const in C++ bindings 

* IN, OUT, and INOUT handle types broken 

* MPI_CHAR, MPI::CHAR should be signed char or char?

* Need 64-bit sizes for count in messages

* Sizes of MPI_Aint and MPI_Offset should not be different

* New predefined types MPI_AINT and MPI_OFFSET

* New predefined types corresponding to new types in C99, Fortran 2003, and
C++ some year

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