[Mpi-22] determine if running in a heterogenous environment

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at [hidden]
Mon Mar 3 11:08:47 CST 2008

On Mar 3, 2008, at 12:01 PM, Richard Treumann wrote:

> The real concern here is:
> Does the MPI implementation need to provide data conversion services  
> between any pair of tasks in the communiator? If I have some tasks  
> on a slow node and other tasks on a fast one we could debate whether  
> that is heterogeneous.
> I think the proposal has merit but we need to be specific that only  
> data representation conversion for data transfer routines is  
> involved in the meaning of "heterogeneous".

Narrowing the scope to "whether translation functionality is required"  
is good.  But note that whether the translation functionality is used  
may be specific to a given (communicator,peer,datatype) tuple.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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