[Mpi-22] MPI Forum wiki

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at [hidden]
Tue Jul 8 13:08:18 CDT 2008

Policy change: all anonymous edits on the MPI Forum wiki have been  
disabled (the server got spam-bombed).  You must register for an  
account and then login to be able to edit wiki pages, tickets, etc.

For uninteresting reasons, the wiki we're using is not capable of  
registering users, so you have to use a secondary system to register  
for an account:


Once you get a username/password on that system, you can use that  
username/password to logon to the real MPI Forum wiki:


(this information is on the front page of the wiki as well)

***NOTE 1: It is *STRONGLY* encouraged that you visit the  
"Preferences" link in the top-right of the MPI Forum Wiki to set your  
e-mail address.

***NOTE 2: We copied all existing MPI Forum Subversion usernames/ 
passwords to the wiki system.  Hence, if you were involved in the  
MPI-2.1 editing effort and have a Subversion account, you do not need  
to re-register; you can simply use your existing Subversion username  
and password to login to the wiki.  Finally, note that Subversion and  
the wiki are two separate systems; changing your password on one of  
them will not be reflected on the other.

Many thanks to Indiana University for donating system administrator  
time and server resources to get all this stuff setup.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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