[mpi-21] Ballot 4 - 0-dim MPI_CART_CREATE and MPI_CART_SUB
Rolf Rabenseifner
rabenseifner at [hidden]
Wed Jan 23 11:42:43 CST 2008
This is a discussion-point for MPI 2.1, Ballot 4.
This is a follow up to:
Questions about Graph_create, Cart_crate, and Cart_coords
in http://www.cs.uiuc.edu/homes/wgropp/projects/parallel/MPI/mpi-errata/index.html
with mail discussion in
I'm starting a new 2nd stream for the zero-dim discussion.
This report shows significant differences of MPI implementations
in the (extreme) case of zero-dimensional topologies!
Therefore clarifications may be necessary.
(Although hopefully never an application may produce
zero-dimensional Cartesian topologies!)
If there are no objections, I would produce clarifications
for MPI-2.1 according to the behavior of mpich2
and MPI from IBM (except the rank -767705708, see below).
MPI-1.1 Sect. 6.5.6, page 187, routine MPI_CART_SUB defines
on lines 38-42:
If a cartesian topology has been created with MPI_CART_CREATE,
the function MPI_CART_SUB can be used to partition the
communicator group into subgroups that form lower-dimensional
cartesian subgrids, and to build for each subgroup a
communicator with the associated subgrid cartesian topology.
(This function is closely related to MPI_COMM_SPLIT.)
The text clearly says, that the new communicator must
(1) have a Cartesian topology associated
(2) be lower-dimensional in the case of a subgrid
There is no restriction on the input array remain_dims.
Therefore all MPI implementations (that I tested)
allow that all entries in remain_dims are "false".
I tested several MPI libraries with creating a subgrid
with MPI_Cart_sub(remain_dims=0) from a 1-dim Cartesian
I tested the subgrid communicator with MPI_Topo_test.
In the case of MPI_CART, I used MPI_Cartdim_get to retrieve
ndims, and MPI_Cart_get for further details:
- mpich2: MPI_CART, ndims=0,
1.0.3 MPI_Cart_get works,
but keeps all OUT arguments unchanged
- IBM: MPI_CART, ndims=0,
(on SP) MPI_Cart_get works,
but keeps all OUT arguments unchanged
- OpenMPI: MPI_CART, ndims=1,
1.2.4 MPI_Cart_get works
and returns dims=1, periods=0, coords=0 independent
from process or periods in the original comm.
(may be wrong because (2) is not fulfilled)
(may be wrong because (1) is not fulfilled)
- Voltaire: not MPI_CART
(mpich1) (may be wrong because (1) is not fulfilled)
With the implementations that return a correct zero-dim Cartesian
topology, I tested further usage of this zero-dim communicator:
- MPI_Comm_size returns 1 and MPI_Comm_rank returns 0 because
this communicator is like MPI_COMM_SELF, but with Cartesian
topology associated.
- MPI_Cart_rank(IN ZeroDimComm, IN coords=0, OUT rank)
Rationale. A zero-dim communicator has zero coords,
i.e., this routine should not examine the coords
input argument.
--> mpich2: rank = 0 is returned
(may be because this is the only existing rank
in this communicator, this value may make sense,
independent of the coord, that should not be
--> IBM: rank = -767705708 is returned
(strange value, not MPI_PROC_NULL, not MPI_UNDEFINED)
- MPI_Cart_coords(IN ZeroDimComm, IN rank=0, OUT coords)
Rationale. A zero-dim communicator has zero coords,
i.e., this routine should not return anything
in the coords output argument.
--> mpich2 and IBM: coords is not modified (as expected)
- MPI_Cart_sub(IN ZeroDimComm, IN remain_dims=0, OUT subsubcomm)
Rationale. A zero-dim communicator has zero dimensions,
i.e., this routine should not examine remain_dims
and the returned communicator should be again
a zero-dim Cartesian communicator.
--> mpich2 and IBM: subsubcomm is a zero-dim Cartesian
communicator (as expected)
- MPI_Cart_shift(IN ZeroDimComm, IN direction=0, IN disp=1,
OUT src, OUT dest)
Rationale. This call is erroneous because in a zero-dim
communicator, the direction=0 does not exist.
mpich2 and IBM: They detect the error and abort.
(In OpenMPI, all these calls work as expected on a
1-dimensional topology on a "MPI_COMM_SELF")
The last test is not addressed by MPI-1.1:
Is it possible to build a zero-dim Cartesian topology
directly by calling MPI_Cart_create:
MPI_Cart_create(IN MPI_COMM_SELF, IN ndims=0, IN dims=1,
IN Periods, IN reorder, OUT ZeroDimComm)
Results: All tested MPI implementations return an error
and abort.
The latter question was raised by Jesper Traeff.
Best regards
Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email rabenseifner_at_[hidden]
High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone ++49(0)711/685-65530
University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 / 685-65832
Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . . www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . (Office: Allmandring 30)
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