[mpi-21] Ballot 4 - Re: MPI-2 thread safety and collectives

Rolf Rabenseifner rabenseifner at [hidden]
Mon Jan 21 11:25:45 CST 2008

This is a proposal for MPI 2.1, Ballot 4.

This is a follow up to:
  Thread safety and collective communication 
  in http://www.cs.uiuc.edu/homes/wgropp/projects/parallel/MPI/mpi-errata/index.html
with mail discussion in

After checking the e-mails and looking at
- MPI-2 8.7.2 page 195 lines 6-9
    Collective calls Matching of collective calls on a communicator, 
    window, or file handle is done according to the order in which the 
    calls are issued at each process. If concurrent threads issue such 
    calls on the same communicator, window or file handle, it is up to 
    the user to make sure the calls are correctly ordered, using 
    interthread synchronization.
- MPI-2 6.2.1 Window Creation, page 110, lines 10-12:
    The call returns an opaque object that represents the group of 
    processes that own and access the set of windows, and the attributes 
    of each window, as specified by the initialization call.
- MPI-2 9.2. Opening a File, page 211, line 46 - page 212, line 2:
    Note that the communicator comm is unaffected by MPI FILE OPEN 
    and continues to be usable in all MPI routines (e.g., MPI SEND).
    Furthermore, the use of comm will not interfere with I/O behavior.
it seems that the standard should be clarified. 

Proposal for MPI 2.1, Ballot 4:
Add new paragraphs after MPI-2, 8.7.2 page 195 line 9 (the end of the clarification on "Collective calls"):  
  Advice to users. 
  With three concurrent threads in each MPI process of a communicator comm,
  it is allowed that thread A in each MPI process calls a collective 
  operation on comm, thread B calls a file operation on an existing
  filehandle that was formerly opened on comm, and thread C invokes one-sided
  operations on an existing window handle that was also formerly created 
  on comm. 
  (End of advice to users.)

  As already specified in MP_FILE_OPEN and MI_WIN_CREATE, a file handle and
  a window handle inherit only the group of processes of the underlying
  communicator, but not the communicator itself. Accesses to communicators,
  window handles and file handles cannot affect one another.
  (End of rationale.) 

  Advice to implementors. 
  If the implementation of file or window operations wants to internally
  use MPI communication then a duplicated communicator handle may be cached
  on the file or window handle.
  (End of advice to implementors.)

Reason: The emails have shown, that the current MPI-2 text can be 
        well misunderstood. 

Discussion should be done through the new mailing list

I have sent out this mail with CC through the old general list

Best regards

Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email rabenseifner_at_[hidden]
High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone ++49(0)711/685-65530
University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 / 685-65832
Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . . www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . (Office: Allmandring 30)

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