[Mpi-21] AUTHORS+REVIEWERS - Draft Apr. 12, 2008
Rolf Rabenseifner
rabenseifner at [hidden]
Sat Apr 12 17:05:37 CDT 2008
Dear chapter author, dear reviewer,
This e-mail is the first preparation of the official reading.
Please read carefully.
Again,we have a stable and consistent draft.
It is SVN revision 108 and pdf and ps are on
(username and password are mpi21)
Nearly all chapters have received an update by the chapters' authors.
Not finished is - as far as I can see
- Point-to-point (may-be without MPI-1/2 problems] (Rich Graham)
- Datatypes [it was split from Point-to-point] (Rich Graham)
and full MPI-2 based chapters (maybe without need for updates)
- Terms (Tony Skjellum)
- External Interfaces (Bronis de Supinski)
- Profiling (Bronis de Supinski)
Therefore, review can start in all chapters, except the datatype chapter.
IMPORTANT for authors:
If you make further modifications, please be sure that you use
the macros and that your modification (or at least an delete-anchor)
is printed **red**. (Details on using the macros, see below.)
Please check red color in the resulting mpi-report.pdf before you
svn commit your changes.
As far as I can see, all changes up to now may have no problem
for acceptance by the Forum.
At this late stage, I would recommend to do only changes that do
not need intensive debates at the Forum meeting. Such things
would be MPI-2.2 modifications.
IMPORTANT for reviewers:
- Please check very carefully all red or magenta changes.
Modifications are done by the chapter's author (red) or
by me (magenta).
You may be the first reviewer who read and check this text.
- Please check carefully the cyan text.
Those modifications are proposed by a reviewer and have been
implemented by my
You may be the second reviewer for those modifications.
- All green stuff should be fine, because it is based on
Forum's decisions (Ballot 1-4).
- Original text is black (MPI-1.3) or blue (MPI-2.0).
- Please make all comments in the format
All references are based on MPI-2.1 Draft Apr. 12, 2008
ww.a __ pnnn.ll text (with nnn=page number and ll=line number
text continued
ww.b __ pnnn.ll text ... and so on (total line length <= 82 characters.)
- Please send only review items that are in the category
-- ERROR, must be fixed.
- If you want to send an item in the categories
-- Nice to have,
-- Editorial proposal (like move xxx to yyy),
-- Clarification which needs Forum decisions,
-- ...
then please substitute the __ by 22, because then it should be
handled in MPI-2.2.
This format is used in
where all reviews are filed in.
(I'll substitute your xx by the next number. If you have more than
26 items, then please continue with xx.a -- xx.z, yy.a - ...)
Please use this format. I'll have only a few minutes between two flights
to put all reviews together.
- The authors get back the write-token until Thursday, Apr. 17.
(If you need also Friday Apr. 18, then please inform me!!)
- All stuff that is not done until that point, will be defered to MPI-2.2!
- I'm on travel and may not be able to respond on e-mails this week.
- On Friday, Apr. 18 (or Saturday, Apr. 19), I will make the
final version for all final reviews and for the official reading.
- Version Apr. 17 together with all your review mails will be the
basis for the official reading.
- Reviews until Friday, Apr. 25. according the format above.
- Saturday, Apr. 26:
I will put all reviews together to have unique numbers.
Best regards
Annex: The rules for authors:
The goals of your work as chapter author:
- Remove references to MPI-1 and MPI-2.
- Substitute by MPI.
- Necessary modifications to achieve this goal.
With this, we should have a single MPI-2.1 standard that does
not "know" the MPI-1 or MPI-2 history of individual functions.
** This should be mainly a task in the area of chapter-introductions.
** Please, never change the wording of function definitions.
- There are routines that are deprecated and that are
already referenced in a consistent way.
My recommendation:
Current wording:
There are *new* function, and existing are now deprecated.
There are functions, and there exist also deprecated functions
with (nearly) same functionality but deprecated due to some lack
in the bindings (or functionality)
- There is history information in the frontmatter.
- there is a change-log annex with limited memory (only previous version)
Technical editing rule:
You must identify all of your changes:
a) new/modified wording - you are highlighting your new/modified wording with:
\mpiiidotiMergeNEWforSINGLEbegin% MPI-2.1 round-two - begin of modification
.... your modified / new wording ....
\mpiiidotiMergeNEWforSINGLEendI% MPI-2.1 round-two - end of modification
b) Moved paragraphs, sentences, ... - you are highlighting the first word
of the moved text with:
\mpiiidotiMergeNEWforSINGLEbegin% MPI-2.1 round-two - begin of text-move
\mpiiidotiMergeNEWforSINGLEendI% MPI-2.1 round-two - ongoing text-move
... rest of the moved text....
% MPI-2.1 round-two - end of text-move
c) If you want to delete text (i.e. not only a move to another location),
the please us
\mpiiidotiMergeNEWforSINGLEbegin% MPI-2.1 round-two - deleted-text-anchor
Last word of the previous text
\mpiiidotiMergeNEWforSINGLEendI% MPI-2.1 round-two - end of anchor
% MPI-2.1 round-two - begin of deteted text - Draft Apr.1, 2008 page/line-page/line
% the text you delete must be preceded with "% "
% deprecated text
% ...
% deprecated text
% MPI-2.1 round-two - end of deteted text
Additionally, you must add this outcommented text to the end of
Caution: These macros work only in black parts of the text.
In blue parts you must substitute
The highlighting is done with red color.
(There are only a few other sentences from me magenta.
Therefore red should be the best to highlight the round-two modifications.)
Using svn:
Before you start to make changes:
cd ....your_directory..../trunk/MPI-2.1/
svn update
to get the newest sources.
After you made changes, please call make and check mpi-report.pdf
to guarantee that all your changes are really highlighted with *red* color.
When you make the first svn commit after you received a new username with
write-permission, you must use the aditional option
--username your_new_user_name
Please commit with
vn commit chap-xxxx/xxxx.tex -m 'MPI-2.1 - your name - what you have done'
Please commit as soon as you finished the changes and after you have
checked the red color.
Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email rabenseifner_at_[hidden]
High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone ++49(0)711/685-65530
University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 / 685-65832
Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . . www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . (Office: Allmandring 30)
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