[Mpi-21] Rest of MPI-2.1 External interfaces into other chapters.

William Gropp gropp at [hidden]
Wed Apr 9 08:37:47 CDT 2008

I can't build the language bindings appendix because the new scripts  
assume new GNU versions of some standard Unix commands (like sort),  
and my Mac doesn't have those versions.  Can we stick with the more  
portable versions (e.g., in MAKE-APPLANG, don't use --key, which my  
sort command does not recognize and is, I believe, a GNU extension)?

While we're at it, pdfinfo isn't standard either - is this really  
necessary for the Make (which for me always fails at this step)?   
There's a pdfinfo command for Macs, but it pops up a GUI and that's  
probably not intended (and certainly not appropriate).


William Gropp
Paul and Cynthia Saylor Professor of Computer Science
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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