[mpiwg-persistence] Proposing October 30 for Virtual Meeting

Skjellum, Anthony Tony-Skjellum at utc.edu
Wed Oct 9 10:12:32 CDT 2019

Hi, we are thinking of agreeing to the Virtual Meeting on October 30, but we need consensus on the text for the Partitioned Chapter. We made excellent progress today, and expect to be done after next week's regular call.  So attending next week's regular call will be essential so we're all aligned for an October 30 Virtual Meeting.

Ryan will post updates later today beyond those just checked and let everyone know when it's time to re-read.


Anthony Skjellum, PhD

Professor of Computer Science and Chair of Excellence

Director, SimCenter

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC)

tony-skjellum at utc.edu  [or skjellum at gmail.com]

cell: 205-807-4968

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