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&ULM_LAND)((MPI_Op) &ULM_BAND)((MPI_Op) &ULM_LOR)((MPI_Op) &ULM_BOR)((MPI_Op) &<ULM_LXOR)((MPI_Op) &ULM_BXOR)((MPI_Op) &ULM_MAXLOC)((MPI_Op) &ULM_MINLOC)ULM_TYPE(ULM_BYTE)ULM_TYPE(ULM_PACKED)ULM_TYPE(ULM_CHAR)ULM_TYPE(ULM_SHORT)ULM_TYPE(ULM_INT)ULM_TYPE(ULM_LONG)ULM_TYPE(ULM_FLOAT)ULM_TYPE(ULM_DOUBLE)ULM_TYPE(ULM_LONG_DOUBLE)ULM_TYPE(ULM_UNSIGNED_CHAR)ULM_TYPE(ULM_UNSIGNED_SHORT)ULM_TYPE(ULM_UNSIGNED_LONG)ULM_TYPE(ULM_UNSIGNED)ULM_TYPE(ULM_FLOAT_INT)ULM_TYPE(ULM_DOUBLE_INT)ULM_TYPE(ULM_LONG_DOUBLE_INT)ULM_TYPE(ULM_LONG_INT)ULM_TYPE(ULM_SHORT_INT)ULM_TYPE(ULM_2INT)ULM_TYPE(ULM_UB)ULM_TYPE(ULM_LB)ULM_TYPE(ULM_LONG_LONG_INT)ABIvendors adoptingSunIntel Microsoft PathscaleMPICH1 Intel, CrayHPA.1 Defined Values and HandlesA.1.1 Defined Constants Return CodesAssorted ConstantsError-handling specifiers3Status size and reserve index values (Fortran only)$Variable Address Size (Fortran only)MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATALMPI_ERRORS_RETURNMPI_ERRORS_THROW_EXEPTIONSMaximum Sizes for StringsNamed Predefined Datatypes C(Named Predefined Datatypes Fortran types#C++ Only Named Predefined DatatypesOptional datatypes (Fortran)+Datatypes for reduction functions (Fortran)4Special datatypes for constructing derived datatypesReserved communicators-Results in communicator and group comparisonsEnvironmental inquiry keys MPI_IDENT MPI_CONGRUENT MPI_SIMILAR MPI_TAG_UBMPI_IOMPI_HOSTMPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBALCollective Operations Null Handles Empty group TopologiesPredefined functionsMPI_NULL_COPY_FNMPI_NULL_DELETE_FN MPI_DUP_FNPredefined Attribute Keys MPI_APPNUMMPI_LASTUSEDCODEMPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE MPI_WIN_BASEMPI_WIN_DISP_UNIT MPI_WIN_SIZEMode ConstantsDatatype Decoding 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This field does not have the "c_" prefix so that the OMPI_ERRHDL_* macros can find it, regardless of whether it's a comm, window, or file. */ ompi_errhandler_t *error_handler; ompi_errhandler_type_t errhandler_type; /* Hooks for PML to hang things */ struct mca_pml_comm_t *c_pml_comm; mca_coll_base_module_1_0_0_t c_coll; /**< Selected collective module, saved by value for speed (instead of by reference) */ const mca_coll_base_component_1_0_0_t *c_coll_selected_component; /**< Selected coll component */ const mca_coll_base_module_1_0_0_t *c_coll_selected_module; /**< The selected module, but only when the selected module is not* the basic module. Used during comm_unselect(). */ struct mca_coll_base_comm_t *c_coll_selected_data; /**< Allow the selected module to cache data on the communicator */ const mca_coll_base_module_1_0_0_t *c_coll_basic_module; /**< Save the basic module; only necessary when the selected module is *not* the basic module, but was supplemented with methods from the basic module. */ struct mca_coll_base_comm_t *c_coll_basic_data; /**< Allow the basic module to cache data on the communicator */ };<6<+   T X?M@]4@ ~3:FQvd q<rxcvdfxc: struct ompi_op_t { opal_object_t super; /**< Parent class, for reference counting */ char o_name[MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME]; /**< Name, for debugging purposes */ uint32_t o_flags; /**< Flags about the op */ union { /** C handler function pointer */ ompi_op_c_handler_fn_t *c_fn; /** Fortran handler function pointer */ ompi_op_fortran_handler_fn_t *fort_fn; /** C++ intercept function pointer -- see lengthy comment in ompi/mpi/cxx/intercepts.cc::ompi_mpi_cxx_op_intercept() for an explanation */ ompi_op_cxx_handler_fn_t *cxx_intercept_fn; } o_func[OMPI_OP_TYPE_MAX]; /**< Array of function pointers, indexed on the operation type. For non-intrinsice MPI_Op's, only the 0th element will be meaningful. */ /** Index in Fortran <-> C translation array */ int o_f_to_c_index; };<6eqj  T X?M@ ]4@ @E՘J ~ |<}xcvdfxc: struct ompi_status_public_t { int MPI_SOURCE; int MPI_TAG; int MPI_ERROR; int _count; int _cancelled; };</e|@C  T X?M@ ]4@` 33:HEN@ <xcvdfxc: struct ompi_request_t { ompi_free_list_item_t super; /**< Base type */ ompi_request_type_t req_type; /**< Enum indicating the type of the request */ ompi_status_public_t req_status; /**< Completion status */ volatile bool req_complete; /**< Flag indicating wether request has completed */ volatile ompi_request_state_t req_state; /**< enum indicate state of the request */ bool req_persistent; /**< flag indicating if the this is a persistent request */ int req_f_to_c_index; /**< Index in Fortran <-> C translation array */ ompi_request_free_fn_t req_free; /**< Called by free */ ompi_request_cancel_fn_t req_cancel; /**< Optional function to cancel the request */ ompi_mpi_object_t req_mpi_object; /**< Pointer to MPI object that created this request */ };<6Ug|E2  TP X?M@ P ]4@P F^NM>nq <xcvdfxc: struct ompi_group_t { opal_object_t super; /**< base class */ int grp_proc_count; /**< number of processes in group */ int grp_my_rank; /**< rank in group */ int grp_f_to_c_index; /**< index in Fortran <-> C translation array */ uint32_t grp_flags; /**< flags, e.g. freed, cannot be freed etc.*/ struct ompi_proc_t **grp_proc_pointers; /**< list of pointers to ompi_proc_t structures for each process in the group */ };<6 j@C  T X?M t ]4@  Z~1NL#m?U `<axcvdfxc: struct ompi_file_t { /** Base of OBJ_* interface */ opal_object_t super; /** Communicator that this file was created with */ struct ompi_communicator_t *f_comm; /** Filename that this file was created with */ char *f_filename; /** Amode that this file was created with */ int f_amode; /** MPI_Info that this file was created with. Note that this is *NOT* what should be returned from OMPI_FILE_GET_INFO! */ struct ompi_info_t *f_info; /** Bit flags */ int32_t f_flags; /** Index in Fortran <-> C translation array */ int f_f_to_c_index; /** Error handler. This field does not have the "f_" prefix so that the OMPI_ERRHDL_* macros can find it, regardless of whether it's a comm, window, or file. */ struct ompi_errhandler_t *error_handler; /** Type of the error handler. This field does not have the "f_" prefix for the same reason as the field error_handler. */ ompi_errhandler_type_t errhandler_type; /** Indicate what version of the IO component we're using (this indicates what member to look at in the union, below) */ mca_io_base_version_t f_io_version; /** The selected component (note that this is a union) -- we need this to add and remove the component from the list of components currently in use by the io framework for progression porpoises. */ mca_io_base_components_t f_io_selected_component; /** The selected module (note that this is a union) */ mca_io_base_modules_t f_io_selected_module; /** Allow the selected module to cache data on the file */ struct mca_io_base_file_t *f_io_selected_data; /** Per-module io request freelist */ opal_list_t f_io_requests; /** Lock for the per-module io request freelist */ opal_mutex_t f_io_requests_lock; };</#`lF2  T X?M@v]4@ c6G !ʔ <xcvdfxc: struct ompi_info_t { opal_list_t super; /**< generic list pointer which is the container for (key,value) pairs */ int i_f_to_c_index; /**< fortran handle for info. This is needed for translation from fortran to C and vice versa */ opal_mutex_t *i_lock; /**< Mutex for thread safety */ bool i_freed; /**< Whether this info has been freed or not */ };</4g   T( X?M5I`]4 @( R` ߗ@y/-y E<Fxcvdfxc: /* add MPI_GROUP_NULL to table */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ompi_mpi_group_null, ompi_group_t); ompi_mpi_group_null.grp_proc_count = 0; ompi_mpi_group_null.grp_my_rank = MPI_PROC_NULL; ompi_mpi_group_null.grp_proc_pointers = NULL; ompi_mpi_group_null.grp_flags |= OMPI_GROUP_INTRINSIC; </Eg   T X?M@]4 @@ {gTL2< 63 0<1xcvdfxc: struct ompi_errhandler_t { opal_object_t super; char eh_name[MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME]; /* Type of MPI object that this handler is for */ ompi_errhandler_type_t eh_mpi_object_type; /* Flags about the error handler */ bool eh_fortran_function; /* Function pointers */ MPI_Comm_errhandler_fn *eh_comm_fn; MPI_File_errhandler_fn *eh_file_fn; MPI_Win_errhandler_fn *eh_win_fn; ompi_errhandler_fortran_handler_fn_t *eh_fort_fn; /* index in Fortran <-> C translation array */ int eh_f_to_c_index; };<6& 0g   T X?M@k]4 @ ! F4`t Q<Rxcvdfxc: struct ompi_win_t { opal_object_t w_base; opal_mutex_t w_lock; char w_name[MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME]; /* Group associated with this window. */ ompi_group_t *w_group; /* Information about the state of the window. */ uint16_t w_flags; /* Attributes */ opal_hash_table_t *w_keyhash; /* index in Fortran <-> C translation array */ int w_f_to_c_index; /* Error handling. This field does not have the "w_" prefix so that the OMPI_ERRHDL_* macros can find it, regardless of whether it's a comm, window, or file. */ ompi_errhandler_t *error_handler; ompi_errhandler_type_t errhandler_type; /* displacement factor */ int w_disp_unit; void *w_baseptr; size_t w_size; /** Current epoch / mode (access, expose, lock, etc.). Checked by the argument checking code in the MPI layer, set by the OSC component. Modified without locking w_lock. */ volatile uint16_t w_mode; /* one sided interface */ ompi_osc_base_module_t *w_osc_module; };</Qg   T(  X?MU \]4 @(   اZ(OۍlO <xcvdfxc: OMPI_DECLSPEC ompi_datatype_t ompi_mpi_int = INIT_BASIC_DATA( int, OMPI_ALIGNMENT_INT, INT, DT_FLAG_DATA_C | DT_FLAG_DATA_INT );< 6]g@C  T  X?M7`]4@ ` <ϝEBk8 <xcvdfxc: /* * MPI_OP_SUM */ ompi_op_t ompi_mpi_op_sum = { { NULL, 0 }, "MPI_SUM", FLAGS_NO_FLOAT, { C_INTEGER(sum), FORTRAN_INTEGER(sum), FLOATING_POINT(sum), LOGICAL_NULL, COMPLEX(sum), BYTE_NULL, TWOLOC_NULL } };< /e - T X?M5`]4-@J $ I⌌xS0 <xcvdfxc: /* * MPI_OP_PROD */ ompi_op_t ompi_mpi_op_prod = { { NULL, 0 }, "MPI_PROD", FLAGS_NO_FLOAT, { C_INTEGER(prod), FORTRAN_INTEGER(prod), FLOATING_POINT(prod), LOGICAL_NULL, COMPLEX(prod), BYTE_NULL, TWOLOC_NULL } };< /e . TP X?M5E`]4.@PJ |#@0G ݆^  < xcvdfxc: /* * MPI_OP_LAND */ ompi_op_t ompi_mpi_op_land = { { NULL, 0 }, "MPI_LAND", FLAGS, { C_INTEGER(land), FORTRAN_INTEGER_NULL, FLOATING_POINT_NULL, LOGICAL(land), COMPLEX_NULL, BYTE_NULL, TWOLOC_NULL } };< 6 @C / T X?M`]4/@@K )R@NU  < xcvdfxc: /* * MPI_OP_BAND */ ompi_op_t ompi_mpi_op_band = { { NULL, 0 }, "MPI_BAND", FLAGS, { C_INTEGER(band), FORTRAN_INTEGER(band), FLOATING_POINT_NULL, LOGICAL_NULL, COMPLEX_NULL, BYTE(band), TWOLOC_NULL } };< 6 e 0 T X?M5@]40@K q%Jd63Jճf= <xcvdfxc: /* * MPI_OP_LOR */ ompi_op_t ompi_mpi_op_lor = { { NULL, 0 }, "MPI_LOR", FLAGS, { C_INTEGER(lor), FORTRAN_INTEGER_NULL, FLOATING_POINT_NULL, LOGICAL(lor), COMPLEX_NULL, BYTE_NULL, TWOLOC_NULL } };< 6x 1 TP X?M57`]41@PL ^B`JvV! <xcvdfxc: /* * MPI_OP_BOR */ ompi_op_t ompi_mpi_op_bor = { { NULL, 0 }, "MPI_BOR", FLAGS, { C_INTEGER(bor), FORTRAN_INTEGER(bor), FLOATING_POINT_NULL, LOGICAL_NULL, COMPLEX_NULL, BYTE(bor), TWOLOC_NULL } };< 6e 2 T X?M5)]42@`L hfc!.O{  < xcvdfxc: /* * MPI_OP_LXOR */ ompi_op_t ompi_mpi_op_lxor = { { NULL, 0 }, "MPI_LXOR", FLAGS, { C_INTEGER(lxor), FORTRAN_INTEGER_NULL, FLOATING_POINT_NULL, LOGICAL(lxor), COMPLEX_NULL, BYTE_NULL, TWOLOC_NULL } };< /  3 T X?M5E]43@L ʏ4@N k E  < xcvdfxc: /* * MPI_OP_BXOR */ ompi_op_t ompi_mpi_op_bxor = { { NULL, 0 }, "MPI_BXOR", FLAGS, { C_INTEGER(bxor), FORTRAN_INTEGER(bxor), FLOATING_POINT_NULL, LOGICAL_NULL, COMPLEX_NULL, BYTE(bxor), TWOLOC_NULL } };< 6 e 4 TP X?MX]44@P M :ဥN\n T<Uxcvdfxc: /* * MPI_OP_MAXLOC */ ompi_op_t ompi_mpi_op_maxloc = { { NULL, 0 }, "MPI_MAXLOC", (OMPI_OP_FLAGS_INTRINSIC | OMPI_OP_FLAGS_ASSOC | OMPI_OP_FLAGS_COMMUTE), { C_INTEGER_NULL, FORTRAN_INTEGER_NULL, FLOATING_POINT_NULL, LOGICAL_NULL, COMPLEX_NULL, BYTE_NULL, TWOLOC(maxloc) } };< 6Te 5 T X?M  U]45@M 5;(6,DK!]Ih* <xcvdfxc: /* * MPI_OP_MINLOC */ ompi_op_t ompi_mpi_op_minloc = { { NULL, 0 }, "MPI_MINLOC", FLAGS, { C_INTEGER_NULL, FORTRAN_INTEGER_NULL, FLOATING_POINT_NULL, LOGICAL_NULL, COMPLEX_NULL, BYTE_NULL, TWOLOC(minloc) } };< 6g  6 T X?MU]46@M !XF3I4_ <xcvdfxc: /* * MPI_OP_REPLACE * (MPI_ACCUMULATE is handled differently than the other reductions, * so just zero out its function impementations here to ensure that * users don't invoke MPI_REPLACE with any reduction operations other * than ACCUMULATE) */ ompi_op_t ompi_mpi_op_replace = { { NULL, 0 }, "MPI_REPLACE", FLAGS, { C_INTEGER_NULL, FORTRAN_INTEGER_NULL, FLOATING_POINT_NULL, LOGICAL_NULL, COMPLEX_NULL, BYTE_NULL, TWOLOC_NULL } };< 6< g@C< 7 TP X?MK3]47@P@N X4ɏG謱< K<Lxcvdfxc: /* add MPI_GROUP_EMPTRY to table */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ompi_mpi_group_empty, ompi_group_t); ompi_mpi_group_empty.grp_proc_count = 0; ompi_mpi_group_empty.grp_my_rank = MPI_UNDEFINED; ompi_mpi_group_empty.grp_proc_pointers = NULL; ompi_mpi_group_empty.grp_flags |= OMPI_GROUP_INTRINSIC;< 6$Ke< 8 T X?M +]48@N &urNqYKO^<  < xcvdfxc: /* Setup MPI_COMM_SELF */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ompi_mpi_comm_self, ompi_communicator_t); group = OBJ_NEW(ompi_group_t); group->grp_proc_pointers = ompi_proc_self(&size); group->grp_my_rank = 0; group->grp_proc_count = size; group->grp_flags |= OMPI_GROUP_INTRINSIC; ompi_mpi_comm_self.c_contextid = 1; ompi_mpi_comm_self.c_f_to_c_index = 1; ompi_mpi_comm_self.c_my_rank = group->grp_my_rank; ompi_mpi_comm_self.c_local_group = group; ompi_mpi_comm_self.c_remote_group = group; OBJ_RETAIN(ompi_mpi_comm_self.c_remote_group); ompi_mpi_comm_self.error_handler = &ompi_mpi_errors_are_fatal; OBJ_RETAIN( &ompi_mpi_errors_are_fatal ); OMPI_COMM_SET_PML_ADDED(&ompi_mpi_comm_self); ompi_pointer_array_set_item (&ompi_mpi_communicators, 1, &ompi_mpi_comm_self); strncpy(ompi_mpi_comm_self.c_name,"MPI_COMM_SELF",strlen("MPI_COMM_SELF")+1); ompi_mpi_comm_self.c_flags |= OMPI_COMM_NAMEISSET; ompi_mpi_comm_self.c_flags |= OMPI_COMM_INTRINSIC; /* We can set MPI_COMM_SELF's keyhash to NULL because it has no predefined attributes. If a user defines an attribute on MPI_COMM_SELF, the keyhash will automatically be created. */ ompi_mpi_comm_self.c_keyhash = NULL; < 6  g< 9 T X?M5]49@O wOP<< E<Fxcvdfxc: /* Setup MPI_COMM_NULL */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ompi_mpi_comm_null, ompi_communicator_t); ompi_mpi_comm_null.c_local_group = &ompi_mpi_group_null; ompi_mpi_comm_null.c_remote_group = &ompi_mpi_group_null; OBJ_RETAIN(&ompi_mpi_group_null); OBJ_RETAIN(&ompi_mpi_group_null); ompi_mpi_comm_null.c_contextid = 2; ompi_mpi_comm_null.c_f_to_c_index = 2; ompi_mpi_comm_null.c_my_rank = MPI_PROC_NULL; ompi_mpi_comm_null.error_handler = &ompi_mpi_errors_are_fatal; OBJ_RETAIN( &ompi_mpi_errors_are_fatal ); ompi_pointer_array_set_item (&ompi_mpi_communicators, 2, &ompi_mpi_comm_null); strncpy(ompi_mpi_comm_null.c_name,"MPI_COMM_NULL",strlen("MPI_COMM_NULL")+1); ompi_mpi_comm_null.c_flags |= OMPI_COMM_NAMEISSET; ompi_mpi_comm_null.c_flags |= OMPI_COMM_INTRINSIC; < /ZEe|E2< : TP X?MlK]4:@P`O yAoI9yEB< <xcvdfxc: /* Setup MPI_COMM_WORLD */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ompi_mpi_comm_world, ompi_communicator_t); group = OBJ_NEW(ompi_group_t); group->grp_proc_pointers = ompi_proc_world(&size); group->grp_proc_count = size; group->grp_flags |= OMPI_GROUP_INTRINSIC; ompi_set_group_rank(group, ompi_proc_local()); ompi_group_increment_proc_count (group); ompi_mpi_comm_world.c_contextid = 0; ompi_mpi_comm_world.c_f_to_c_index = 0; ompi_mpi_comm_world.c_my_rank = group->grp_my_rank; ompi_mpi_comm_world.c_local_group = group; ompi_mpi_comm_world.c_remote_group = group; ompi_mpi_comm_world.c_cube_dim = opal_cube_dim(size); ompi_mpi_comm_world.error_handler = &ompi_mpi_errors_are_fatal; OBJ_RETAIN( &ompi_mpi_errors_are_fatal ); OBJ_RETAIN(ompi_mpi_comm_world.c_remote_group); OMPI_COMM_SET_PML_ADDED(&ompi_mpi_comm_world); ompi_pointer_array_set_item (&ompi_mpi_communicators, 0, &ompi_mpi_comm_world); strncpy (ompi_mpi_comm_world.c_name, "MPI_COMM_WORLD", strlen("MPI_COMM_WORLD")+1 ); ompi_mpi_comm_world.c_flags |= OMPI_COMM_NAMEISSET; ompi_mpi_comm_world.c_flags |= OMPI_COMM_INTRINSIC; < /e< ; T X?M@@u]4;@P oF?8p< <<=xcvdfxc: OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ompi_request_null, ompi_request_t);< 6a<g@C< < T X?M5]4<@`P ]lNF)fn< <xcvdfxc: /* * MPI_OP_NULL * All types */ #define FLAGS_NO_FLOAT \ (OMPI_OP_FLAGS_INTRINSIC | OMPI_OP_FLAGS_ASSOC | OMPI_OP_FLAGS_COMMUTE) #define FLAGS \ (OMPI_OP_FLAGS_INTRINSIC | OMPI_OP_FLAGS_ASSOC | \ OMPI_OP_FLAGS_FLOAT_ASSOC | OMPI_OP_FLAGS_COMMUTE) ompi_op_t ompi_mpi_op_null = { { NULL, 0 }, "MPI_OP_NULL", FLAGS, { C_INTEGER_NULL, FORTRAN_INTEGER_NULL, FLOATING_POINT_NULL, LOGICAL_NULL, COMPLEX_NULL, BYTE_NULL, TWOLOC_NULL } };< 6U g@U2< = TP X?M ]4=@PP \yX΁IC< i<jxcvdfxc: OBJ_CONSTRUCT( &ompi_mpi_errhandler_null, ompi_errhandler_t ); if( ompi_mpi_errhandler_null.eh_f_to_c_index != OMPI_ERRHANDLER_NULL_FORTRAN ) return OMPI_ERROR; ompi_mpi_errhandler_null.eh_mpi_object_type = OMPI_ERRHANDLER_TYPE_PREDEFINED; ompi_mpi_errhandler_null.eh_fortran_function = false; ompi_mpi_errhandler_null.eh_comm_fn = NULL; ompi_mpi_errhandler_null.eh_file_fn = NULL; ompi_mpi_errhandler_null.eh_win_fn = NULL ; ompi_mpi_errhandler_null.eh_fort_fn = NULL; strncpy (ompi_mpi_errhandler_null.eh_name, "MPI_ERRHANDLER_NULL", strlen("MPI_ERRHANDLER_NULL")+1 ); < 6"ig@C< > T X?ME]4>@ Q %2zLAyqx< j<kxcvdfxc: OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ompi_mpi_info_null, ompi_info_t); ompi_mpi_info_null.i_f_to_c_index = 0; < /jedE2< ? T X?Mk]4?@Q X[JEip0< n<oxcvdfxc: /* Setup MPI_WIN_NULL */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ompi_mpi_win_null, ompi_win_t); ompi_mpi_win_null.w_flags = OMPI_WIN_INVALID; ompi_mpi_win_null.w_group = &ompi_mpi_group_null; OBJ_RETAIN(&ompi_mpi_group_null); ompi_win_set_name(&ompi_mpi_win_null, "MPI_WIN_NULL"); ompi_pointer_array_set_item(&ompi_mpi_windows, 0, &ompi_mpi_win_null); < 6 ne< @ TP X?M ]4@@PQ &6A rJ< <xcvdfxc: /* Setup MPI_FILE_NULL. Note that it will have the default error handler of MPI_ERRORS_RETURN, per MPI-2:9.7 (p265). */ OBJ_CONSTRUCT(&ompi_mpi_file_null, ompi_file_t); ompi_mpi_file_null.f_comm = &ompi_mpi_comm_null; OBJ_RETAIN(ompi_mpi_file_null.f_comm); ompi_mpi_file_null.f_f_to_c_index = 0; ompi_pointer_array_set_item(&ompi_file_f_to_c_table, 0, &ompi_mpi_file_null); < 6[ e< A T X?M@ @]4A@@R ҳ؊A5D*1l^< <xcvdfxc: # # Check for MPI_Aint type. Yes, there are platforms where # sizeof(void*) != sizeof(long) (64 bit Windows, apparently). # if test $ac_cv_type_ptrdiff_t = yes ; then ompi_ptrdiff_t="ptrdiff_t" elif test $ac_cv_sizeof_void_p -eq $ac_cv_sizeof_long ; then ompi_ptrdiff_t="long" elif test $ac_cv_type_long_long = yes -a $ac_cv_sizeof_void_p -eq $ac_cv_sizeof_long_long ; then ompi_ptrdiff_t="long long" else { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Could not find datatype to emulate ptrdiff_t. Cannot continue" >&5 echo "$as_me: error: Could not find datatype to emulate ptrdiff_t. Cannot continue" >&2;} { (exit 1); exit 1; }; } fi cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF #define OMPI_PTRDIFF_TYPE $ompi_ptrdiff_t _ACEOF< 6e< B T X?M$cJ ]4B@R C{cGq>f0< <xcvdfxc: # # Test to determine type of MPI_Offset. This is searched in the following order # int64_t, long long, long, int. If none of these are 8 bytes, then we should # search for int32_t, long long, long, int. # MPI_OFFSET_TYPE="not found" MPI_OFFSET_DATATYPE="not found" { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: checking checking for type of MPI_Offset" >&5 echo $ECHO_N "checking checking for type of MPI_Offset... $ECHO_C" >&6; } if test "$ac_cv_type_long_long" = "yes" -a "$ac_cv_sizeof_long_long" = 8; then MPI_OFFSET_TYPE="long long" MPI_OFFSET_DATATYPE=MPI_LONG_LONG MPI_OFFSET_SIZE=8 elif test "$ac_cv_type_long" = "yes" -a "$ac_cv_sizeof_long" = 8; then MPI_OFFSET_TYPE="long" MPI_OFFSET_DATATYPE=MPI_LONG MPI_OFFSET_SIZE=8 elif test "ac_cv_sizeof_int" = 8; then MPI_OFFSET_TYPE=int MPI_OFFSET_DATATYPE=MPI_INT MPI_OFFSET_SIZE=8 elif test "$ac_cv_type_long_long" = "yes" -a "$ac_cv_sizeof_long_long" = 4; then MPI_OFFSET_TYPE="long long" MPI_OFFSET_DATATYPE=MPI_LONG_LONG MPI_OFFSET_SIZE=4 elif test "$ac_cv_type_long" = "yes" -a "$ac_cv_sizeof_long" = 4; then MPI_OFFSET_TYPE="long" MPI_OFFSET_DATATYPE=MPI_LONG MPI_OFFSET_SIZE=4 elif test "ac_cv_sizeof_int" = 4; then MPI_OFFSET_TYPE=int MPI_OFFSET_DATATYPE=MPI_INT MPI_OFFSET_SIZE=4 fi { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: $MPI_OFFSET_TYPE" >&5 echo "${ECHO_T}$MPI_OFFSET_TYPE" >&6; } if test "$MPI_OFFSET_TYPE" = "not found"; then { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: WARNING: *** Unable to find the right definition for MPI_Offset" >&5 echo "$as_me: WARNING: *** Unable to find the right definition for MPI_Offset" >&2;} { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Cannot continue" >&5 echo "$as_me: error: Cannot continue" >&2;} { (exit 1); exit 1; }; } fi cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF #define OMPI_MPI_OFFSET_TYPE $MPI_OFFSET_TYPE _ACEOF < 6.e< C BP XPP?@6`]4C@PS %6rPA{7< <asupalov: typedef struct MPI_Status { int count; int cancelled; int MPI_SOURCE; int MPI_TAG; int MPI_ERROR; } MPI_Status; <6 b< J B XPP? @ `]4J@`S -%JE&E< <asupalov: typedef struct MPI_Status { int count; int cancelled; int MPI_SOURCE; int MPI_TAG; int MPI_ERROR; } MPI_Status; <? >b< K B XPP? @ `]4K@S ߅@VMW< <asupalov: typedef struct MPI_Status { int count; int cancelled; int MPI_SOURCE; int MPI_TAG; int MPI_ERROR; } MPI_Status; <? >b< L BP XPP? @ `]4L@P T ,)!VJA&{< <asupalov: typedef struct MPI_Status { int count; int cancelled; int MPI_SOURCE; int MPI_TAG; int MPI_ERROR; } MPI_Status; <6 b< M T X? ]4M@T 3I?G:3+< -<.Jeff Brown: owner: Alexander Supalov (Intel)< J -< N T X?[ ]4N@@U OU< -<.Jeff Brown: owner: Alexander Supalov (Intel)< J -< O BP XPP?@ `]4O@PV hQE pG< <asupalov: typedef struct MPI_Status { int count; int cancelled; int MPI_SOURCE; int MPI_TAG; int MPI_ERROR; } MPI_Status; <? >b< P T X? k]4P@`V c*~Gp<ֹ< -<.Jeff Brown: owner: Alexander Supalov (Intel)< J -< Q T X? ]4Q@ W ||PN:0@ _g< "<#Jeff Brown: Erez Haba (Microsoft)< J "|E2< R TP X?  ]4R@PW @x(FaQiY< -<.Jeff Brown: owner: Alexander Supalov (Intel)< J -< S T X?M ,]4S@@X ֐D~09< %<&Jeff Brown: owner: Jeff Brown (LANL)< J %< T T X?  ]4T@X  ,&Mϓ< )<*Jeff Brown: owner: Erez Haba (Microsoft)< J )< U BP XPP? @ `]4U@P`Y FEsZ(< <asupalov: typedef struct MPI_Status { int count; int cancelled; int MPI_SOURCE; int MPI_TAG; int MPI_ERROR; } MPI_Status; <6 b< V T X?  []4V@Y )J"Mpc< %<&Jeff Brown: owner: Jeff Brown (LANL)< > %|E2< X T X? \  ]4X@ Z X{9u U]4\@\ 7^'%zGgU, < <Hubert Ritzdorf: typedef struct { int MPI_ERROR; int MPI_SOURCE; int MPI_TAG; int cancelled; MPI_Aint count; } MPI_Status;<Z < ] BP XPP? > C]4]@P`\ ~"E e< q<rHubert Ritzdorf: struct MPIR_Info{ int cookie; char *key; char *value; struct MPIR_Info *next; };<Z q< ^ B XPP?  ]4^@\ }cWHcY< `<aasupalov: Organized by Bill Gropp's paper on GMPI: o Compile-time values - Used in declarations (MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING, etc.) - Other (MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE, etc.) o Init-time constants (MPI_INT, etc.) o Opaque objects (MPI_Comm, MPI_Datatype, etc.) o Defined objects (MPI_Status) o Defined pointers (MPI_BOTTOM, MPI_STATUS_NULL, etc.) <? u`Y Jeff BrownZ Jeff Brown^asupalovwS Jeff BrownM Jeff BrownP Jeff BrownQ Jeff BrownN Jeff Brown R Jeff Brown T Jeff Brown X Jeff Brown V Jeff BrownVxcvdfxcoWxcvdfxcoX xcvdfxcoYxcvdfxcoZ%xcvdfxco[&xcvdfxco\xcvdfxco]xcvdfxco^xcvdfxco_xcvdfxco`xcvdfxcoa'xcvdfxcobxcvdfxcocxcvdfxcodxcvdfxcoe$xcvdfxcofxcvdfxcogxcvdfxconxcvdfxcooxcvdfxcopxcvdfxcoq!xcvdfxcor xcvdfxcosxcvdfxcov"xcvdfxcow#xcvdfxcoy:xcvdfxcoz8xcvdfxco*xcvdfxco+xcvdfxco,xcvdfxco-xcvdfxco4xcvdfxco5xcvdfxco/xcvdfxco1xcvdfxco3xcvdfxco.xcvdfxco0xcvdfxco2xcvdfxco6xcvdfxco xcvdfxco9xcvdfxcoxcvdfxco;xcvdfxco<xcvdfxco=xcvdfxco@xcvdfxco>xcvdfxco?xcvdfxco7xcvdfxcoxcvdfxcoxcvdfxco ]Hubert Ritzdorfl xcvdfxcRAxcvdfxcRxcvdfxcRCasupaloviOasupaloviJasupaloviKasupalovi Lasupalovi Uasupalovi \Hubert RitzdorflxcvdfxcRxcvdfxcRxcvdfxcRxcvdfxcRxcvdfxcR xcvdfxcR$BxcvdfxcR>@dfbfA    7ggD  K  dMbP?_*+% &ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?" 333333?333333?pp&<3U>@ 7ggD    dMbP?_*+% &ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?" 333333?333333?&<3U>@ 7ggD  Oh+'0@HXh xcvdfxcxcvdfxcMicrosoft Excel@F@/՜.+,D՜.+,  PXd lt|   ABI & CoSheet2Sheet3  WorksheetsH<`t_AdHocReviewCycleID_NewReviewCycle_EmailSubject _AuthorEmail_AuthorEmailDisplayName_ReviewingToolsShownOnce"SQ7,[Mpi3-abi] For the April MPI Forum MeetingEdric.Ellis@mathworks.co.uk Edric Ellis F&Microsoft Office Excel 2003 WorkCompObjrsheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.89q