[Mpi-forum] Reading announcement for the 2023 March meeting of the MPI Forum

Fri Feb 24 10:31:39 CST 2023

Dear all,

in addition to my previous announcemens, I would like to read the following :

- issue:  https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-issues/issues/341 (RC issues found in chap-coll)

- PR: https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-standard/pull/806 (Fix most issues in collective chapter from MPI4.0-RC)

This PR handles:
- Process -> MPI process
- root process/process root/etc... -> the root / the root is clearly defined in the chapter introduction
- data type -> datatype
- using \mpiarg{} and \mpicode{} when appropriate
- and multiple small corrections that are identified by ticked boxes and the comment gathering other handled suggestions which had no box to tick in https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-issues/issues/341

Note that I sorted all suggestions in this issue in four separate comments:
- suggestions handled in this PR https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-standard/pull/806
- suggestions that were already handled in other PRs and are corrected in the current mpi-4.x branch
- suggestions that are not relevant, or that will be isolated in their own private issue
- suggestions that are not handled yet and still need to be dealt with. If the current PR passes the reading, I will create a new issue with only the remaining suggestions. I updated all pages and lines references in the suggestions. In my comment, pages and lines now refer to the official MPI-4.0 standard (much more easy to find the issue).

Best regards,
Julien J.

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